Suit Up!
Hey. I've been working on characters for smashGP namely falco and samus but i don't know why they don't work. Has anyone successfully made .chr files that work and if so could you help me.
EDIT: Obviously this is not the problem here. Looks like you tried to convert 16 or 24 bits bmps with the old bmp2pak... Which wasn't possible at that time. Now it's ok !! You can do that !! Sunday, in the beginning of the afternoon, I'll ulpoad the 0.2b version of the game with the latest bmp2pak.
Sorry for being late, but I didn't have much time lately, and I'd like Sonic to be a part of this release to show people that it's possible (and when you'll see the results, you'll understand).
It's fantastic !!!! It works perfectly, and looks very good !!!
I love it ! Would just need a few more sounds, and a combo maybe...