*another* Kof91 Question


H.R. Gigers wet dream
Feb 18, 2004
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k, I just downloaded all five of the .rar's from gp32spain.com and found some cool characters in there (strider :o ). However, I can't get them to work, I've zipped them all up and placed them in the sprites folder (individual zips for each character) . Has anyone else downloaded these files, and if so how did you get them to work.

When the game gets to the character select screen, there are all the regular characters, plus the correct number of blank boxes.

Any help would be greatluy appreciated 'cos I love this game and want to fight as all the opriginal SFII characters.
I thought it might be the missing selbig and selsmall files, so I tried using another characters pics. They show up on the character select screen now, but the message 'character not found' is still shown whenever I try to select them.

Someone must know how to sort this...anyone???
yeah i really want to know how i can use these extra characters,

can somebody please make a walkthrough for dummies on how to be able to use the extra characters and on where exactly files need to be put and everything

this would help out alot thanks :blink: KOF91 kicks @$$!!
I have used them with no trouble at all. All I can recommend is download, unrar it and zip it using no subfolders within the zip file and make sure the file name is EXACTLY the same as the one specified in the .ini file
in the readme it mentions making sure all the basic files are there, but what files exactly are needed (i.e. absolutley neccessary) for a character to run. I notice that most of the characters from gpspain have files like ko.pcx and other stuff missing, could this be it???
a-ha! Great another site with characters! Thankyou Yaustar!

just for the record, though, this thread was talking specifically about the fighters available on gpspain, but an alternative site is a good solution!

:ph34r: /me ninjas my way over there

[edit] - They all work, ALL of them!!! yay!!! KoF91 rules!!

:D :D :D

Of course I read readme's, it was nothinbg to do with your brilliant port, it seems to be the characters at gpspain don't work at all. The ones in the link above do though and their almost identical.
Readme files only help when theres nothing wrong with the file it pertains to... It seems like there might be something missing in the file's they're providing... either that or the download might have gotten corrupted somehow. I'd suggest re-downloading just to be sure, I'd try it myself but all those 19mb rar files on a 56k would take me for ever personally.