SL4P-14.1/SOLEIL-14.1/SOJA [Significant Improvement]


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010

SL4P 14.1 release thread:

SL4P 14.1 wiki page:

SOLEIL 14.1 wiki page:


original post


Hi !

I'm near a stable Slackware 14.1, which is awesome as usual.

On top of that, my SOLEIL overlay is worked on in parallel. I bring all updates from 14.1 x86 along new versions of GParted, G4L, System Rescue CD.

I'm working on a surprise new system to boot, but i need some more testing.

I also wrote a Java program called SOJA, which is interfaced with a Postgresql database over jdbc. It's used to graphically configure the booted system according to the MAC address. Have to translate it in english ;^).



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I love Slackware and try much with it.

Maybe Wine work better on it from LinuxBochs ;)

So many updated Packages and so many work from you for us all.

Good Entry,every new Version is a good Version.

Thx for working on it ;)
The surprise system is GameCube !!!

SOLEIL is now able to boot a GameCube under Linux !

The backend was ready for ages, i just needed a SD/memory card adapter i received and tested this morning.
I boot my drive-chipped GC with a Loader disk, then boot a kernel on a SD card in a SD/memcard adapter.

The GC Linux boots, and grabs its rootfs through NFS.

Is it clear now ?
No ^^.

With SOLEIL, you can boot PCs over the network. You can also boot a GameCube.
I resumed the work after a one-month data recovery commando following a drive crash.

I cleaned up some parts related to the pxe kernels, and added a new installer:

OpenBSD 32 and 64 bits.

It was a bit tricky as the Linux loader can't boot directly the OpenBSD kernel, so i had to use its chainloader:

label OpenBSD 5.4 x86_32
kernel /syslinux/
append ::/openbsd/x86_32/pxeboot
text help
At the prompt, type " boot openbsd/x86_32/bsd.rd "
SOJA doesn't work with newer JDK/jdbc.

At first glance, i have to try/catch another GUI error, and also rewrite some parts of the db accesses.

Java... what a joke.

I'll push a SOLEIL-14.1 release even if this isn't fixed yet. I'm currently compressing the rootfs.

It will be a minimal image only. I don't see the point of uploading a mega-huge one, as additional features can be easily installed from the Pandora (or a Linux PC).

I can ship a standalone SOJA afterwards.
I have an error in a script which dumps the SOJA database structure at every boot (it's normally done once).

I'll upload a new rootfs soon.

Meanwhile it can be manually avoided by removing /etc/SL4P/rc.d/rc.sl4p-prepare right after the first boot.
Made the modification, and i'm compressing the new rootfs.

Will take a looooong time to update !

Meanwhile, i'm trying to create a PXE Plan 9 installer.

Actually, the first stage kernel boots, but i can't fallback on an exported filesystem...
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