Pandora Rpg Gaming Diablo 2 On Pandora.

for all the work just port moria...
Actually i would love to a see a Port of umoria (preferably with a gfx tileset :D ) or Angband on the console.


The situation looks quite bad. But still: you might survive the attacks. Would be a good point to do a quick retreat.
StarG said:
The situation looks quite bad. But still: you might survive the attacks. Would be a good point to do a quick retreat.
Heh... That's a bad situation, yes- you MIGHT survive if you "Run Away!" (TM, Monty Python) but you might not.

Geez... I remember now why I ended up nearly flunking out of my first year of college. Robert Alan Koeneke was one of the staff at the University of Oklahoma and I ended up playing a bunch of his beta work. Killing time during the evenings was more fun with Moria and LBL's Conquest than my EE studies were at the time. ;)
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