Release Diablo

Great work.... play every day but i keep getting stuck at about level 9. Keep getting invalid/corrupt save game. Usual happens when i try to portal to town. Any one seen this. Wondering if it is copy protection but find nothing on it on the web. Thanks again for such a great port..
Great work.... play every day but i keep getting stuck at about level 9. Keep getting invalid/corrupt save game. Usual happens when i try to portal to town. Any one seen this. Wondering if it is copy protection but find nothing on it on the web. Thanks again for such a great port..
May be worth while sharing a save file just prior to the corruption event with Notaz and see if he can see why this is happening.
Thanks Notaz for this great port. The game works but with no sound,i tryed to delete the cfg file in the tmp directory but it doesn't work.
Thanks Notaz for this great port. The game works but with no sound,i tryed to delete the cfg file in the tmp directory but it doesn't work.
Hmm odd, it shouldn't have an issue with sound. did you patch to 1.09? Have you tried a fresh appdata directory?
Region differences perhaps?, I've only tried the US english version.

Maybe share the diablo .out file that resides in the /tmp directory, maybe it has some info on why it's failing.
Try this, go into the pandora/appdata/diablo directory on the SD card and delete the winedata folder, it may have a corrupt registry entry, that will force it to rebuilt the wine defaults when launched again.
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Thanks TrashyMG diablo works with sound now.But i cannot delete the registery files in the winedata directory so i renamed the old folder to 1,But how can i delete the registery files???
Thanks TrashyMG diablo works with sound now.But i cannot delete the registery files in the winedata directory so i renamed the old folder to 1,But how can i delete the registery files???
hmm you should've been able to just delete that entire winedata directory without issues. could always try it with superuser authority if you really had to: "sudo rm -r winedata/"
The files are on my sd card,when i type "sudo rm -r winedata/" he says: not find such files or directory
Well I don't know the name of your SD card, but to change which directory you are in it's: cd

essentially you would type some thing like:

cd /media/YOURSDCARDNAME/pandora/appdata/diablo
It says : Cannot remove 'winedata/system.reg' : read -only file system

Hmm odd, it may be some kind mounting issue. It shouldn't be in read only mode... I just deleted my diablo directory even with out superuser access (sudo).

I could try and give you a bunch of commands to unmount the SD card and what not, but it will be easier to just have you reboot the Pandora. After it's rebooted, try and delete that folder again.
I rebooted the system but it stil dont work.It still says : read -only file system.Would you send the commands to my pm?Manny thanks Trashy!!!
Today i started the system and now i can delete the files.....i dont get it well its done so thanks again Trashymg