Diablo On Gp32

Hers a stupid question from myself. :( Ummm What is Diablo? I mean what's it like? :)

The two games are basically, you pick a character which determines what abilities you have and then go into randomly generated dungons and click on the enemys there to attack them. After killing enough you will level up and pick what stat you want to go up. This keeps going for an eternity if you are addicted.
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Kinda like warcraft but with a single character and dungeons. :P
not at all really.
It's basically a pointer RPG with pre-rendered sprites that move around in an 8 directional way through really nice pre-made (as in made already in soem 3d program and left to be static ala Grim Fandango or Silver) mainly underground landscape.

And it can be multiplayer via lan, servers or direct IP connection.
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To add to that, it's really an action rpg, just hack'n'slash, not much story to speak of. Very much fun though, I especially liked playing sorceresses in D2, allowed for some skillful play instead of just mindless click-click-click.
To add to that, it's really an action rpg, just hack'n'slash, not much story to speak of. Very much fun though, I especially liked playing sorceresses in D2, allowed for some skillful play instead of just mindless click-click-click.
did you find Diablo suprisingly and dissapointingly easy?
I potted once :blink:
Some of the mini bosses (variations on normal creautres) were harder than him, I'm sure.
He does look cool though:


EDIT: By the way, anyone up for a game?
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To add to that, it's really an action rpg, just hack'n'slash, not much story to speak of. Very much fun though, I especially liked playing sorceresses in D2, allowed for some skillful play instead of just mindless click-click-click.

I only played to PVP, I hardly even know the story line. <_<
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Diablo is a right bitch if you have bad equipment. I'm up for a game if you play hardcore ladder Europe.
I've only played single p[layer and lan tbh. I've completed it with all charachters though :P
Anyway if youw want a game PM me and we'll set it up etc...
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