Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

Thanks I regressed that Sonic talking is the worst thing ever, until now.. time to drink that memory away.
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^OMG, I was thinking Sonic dating an underaged girl while spitting out 90-ish one liners in Sonic Generations was horrid enough. What kinda of drug are the sonic team smoking man, I want some. 
May I ask if there is a official release in the repo  for the updated pnd (more complete dynarec) planned?
I took some screenshots of the status screen in Skies of Arcadia. The shadows obscure a lot of the information.





I also included a VMU save (NTSC-U) at the first save point after the lengthy intro. Remove .txt extension to test.

Load the save game and press the Pandora A button to bring up the status screen.


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^ Are you using software on the Pandora to take these screenshots?
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New build on the repo.

Some little notes about this build.

  • I still notice that, sometimes, game crashes and when I releaunch, it just work (mainly after the 50/60Hz selection screen). 
  • The FrameSkip is ON by default. Press "f" to switch it OFF (and f to ON again). I try to skip as much CPU Task as I can, but it doesn't seems to change anything. In fact, reicast is already dropping frame automaticaly, so the forced frameskip has little effect.
  • The Sound off, again, tries to skip some of the CPU part of the sound (the mixing part). I haven't seen much change either. And sometimes, the Game will wait if sound is off (just put it on it that case). Not sure those 2 options will stay for long...
  • Some OSD display is really missing, so maybe I'll try to implement that later

Anyway, enjoy the new build...

build 04


  • In synch with r6 release
  • Added a few opcode to dynarec, optimized by cal84maniac
  • Better Zenity menu, thanks to dgame
  • Right Nub can be configured on the fly
    Use "n" to silently switch mode
  • Mode are "none", "up/down->R/L", "left/right->L/R", "ABXY"
[*]Use "f" to switch frameskip on/off (on by default)
[*]Use "s" to switch sound (on by default)
[*]Still no OSD for now
awesome work guys! i am really excited to have this. has anyone tried soul calibur yet? seems like it could run well since there is not a lot of complex 3d geometry in the levels. soul calibur on pandora would rock!

Edit: never mind! just saw it on the compatibility list. first game I am going to try :) too bad I only have a cc. now i have a good reason to upgrade.
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^ Are you using software on the Pandora to take these screenshots?
Yes, the SnapSnap Timer in the SnapSnap Screenshot Utility

However on my system (1.60RC) the SnapSnap Screenshot Utility tries to write to NAND.

Line 10 in as a typo, it references mmcblk0p which should be mmcblk0 (without the 'p' at the end)

So line 10:

dir=$(mount | awk '/^\/dev\/mmcblk0p/ {print $3}')
Should be:

dir=$(mount | awk '/^\/dev\/mmcblk0/ {print $3}')
I have attached with the change to line 10. 

To test it rename to and put it in your /pandora/appdata/snaptimer folder.

EDIT: This only fixes the SnapSnap Timer (needed to take screenshots of Reicast), the full SnapSnap fix is here:


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I've been noticing that the audio which plays during the startup of the Dreamcast is staticy sounding in the new build.
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Use "f" to switch frameskip on/off (on by default) Use "s" to switch sound (on by default)
Doesn't do anything.

f makes no different

s sound keeps playing

Do I have to delete appdata folder?

Also my Sonic is a lot slower than then one from Ingo's video.
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Use "f" to switch frameskip on/off (on by default) Use "s" to switch sound (on by default)
Doesn't do anything.

f makes no different

s sound keeps playing

Do I have to delete appdata folder?
Really? I work on my side, that's odd (the sound switch, because the frameskip switch has no visible effect on my tests).

I've been noticing that the audio which plays during the startup of the Dreamcast is staticy sounding in the new build.
Yes I have notice that too. Not sure where does that come from.