Etinin said:
I just really hope my credit card won't have any problems with it if I have to repay, because I've already been refunded once due to the PayPal problem.
It's not your CC goint to have problems,can't work this way. Unless your CC is an uncommon circuit. If it's a Visa, MC, or what's left.. Bankamericard.. means these top-finance istitutes guarantee for you* the amount of money. So is meaningless if I have a certain type of card but relies on Visa and you have another kind but on Visa as well. They flow together through Visa.
Of course, your peculiar bank may block you or issue any kind of problem, but this should have happened before... not with this coincidence on the pandora order.
So (kept out paypal thing, which I don't know at all and won't never ever use in my life because I don't trust them by skin sensation..) I suppose the pandora team should have to deal not with the single emitter banks of us customer, but only with their bank. So, they might decide to choose a chop of transfers and to send them back.
Anyway, I cannot figure what kind of shty bank would cause this kind of problems: just think of the interest tax of the total amount of money kept for how long now? 1 month? It's a HUGE amount as interests! Proven the uglyest bank will offer you at least the 3%... and I said the uglyest...
Banks are usually happy when you bring money in because it's their primary goal, so they can offer loans to other customers and retrieve more and more money back from them. Every bank is happy if you bring money in unless it came from illecitous sources. And they almost every know when this happens!
This is for sure a side effect of the global finance crisis, probably (imho) pandora's team bank is glad to accept money but is very scared of emptying it in such a short while, because they might have to pay intra-bank debts or whatsoever other damn problem.
As usual, adding 1€ or 1M€ ain't that difference, bank's smiles... but when you take out 1€ it's a thing, if you want to take out all the 1M€ it's totally another thing, because your million is not there any more.. and they always try to make you refrain because they cannot afford that**. Usually you've gotta plan this big money moves, this may be another cause of the inner pandora's bank trouble in managing all the money.
C'mon anyway all will be fine at the end, don't panic!
(imho since I grown in a big bank, but I can make mistakes of course, this should be banking abc)
*this is why there are many kinds of the same card.. if your are a trustable-richman you get a Platinum card... if you're a untrusted-commonman you'll be given nothing but the entry level card
** and this is why if lots of customers queue alltogether to take out ALL of their money, means bank death.