Original Order Match (for Reorderers)


Still Fresh
Jun 27, 2008
Trieste, Italy
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Hi Paolo,

Just to let you know we have received your Bank Transfer. Sorry for the late confirmation but we had to wait for the paper confirmation as the order number did not fully appear on our online account. It has now been matched to your original order.

Many thanks


actually took 2 weeks (about) for me to pay via direct bank transfer to receive this happy communication
I think this can be a good post to signal when all other reorderers get it as well.

Thanks to the team, now I can wait calm in line as the non-reordering others. :pandora1: :lol:
You have been beaten by Eniko who also posted in the appropriate thread ( ;) )

Eniko said:
The same may have happened that happened to me. Personally I wired it from the ABN-Amro bank in the Netherlands, and included my order number in the description field, but today got this:
Sorry for the late confirmation of receipt of your transfer to our account. As the online statement did not include your order number we had to wait for the paper version of the Bank Transfer. Your transfer has now been matched to your original order.
Apparently it's possible that your description was not on their online statement for whatever reason and they have to wait for the paper version to match the transfer to your order. Something I find odd, but apparently it's possible. O_o
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