[11:19pm] aleij:
in order to confirm i got my refund, i need to find out to whom i did the payment, openpandora ltd doent appear in the bank infos i got... argg
[11:20pm] aleij:
this stupid issue
[11:20pm] aleij:
anyone knows the name of the bank that was in charge of the credit card payments ?
[11:21pm] DJWillis:
Hmm, HSBC? what do you have on your statement, GBAX anything?
[11:23pm] aleij:
i need to send this to the person who owns the card, tx
[11:23pm] aleij:
will see if any of those 2 appears
[11:27pm] DJWillis:
Sorry I can't help more
[11:27pm] BitWraith:
aleij, which website did you order from?
[11:28pm] aleij:
[11:28pm] aleij:
since swtzerland was not listed
[11:32pm] BitWraith:
was that gbax.com ?
[11:33pm] aleij:
cant remember
[11:38pm] aleij:
my emails just say via Protx
[11:59pm] johnx:
think UK was gbax.com
[12:00am] johnx:
I know I ordered from gbax.com and just re-ordered in British Pounds Sterling

[12:17am] aleij:
johnx: could you tell me who did the refund in your case?
[12:22am] johnx:
aleij, afraid not. don't have the credit card bill in reach right now
[12:24am] aleij:
thanks anyway
[12:25am] aleij:
will try the forums then..