I was just thinking about a more dynamic slogan, one which could be switched up a little bit depending on when it was used.
But with a constant being the end line:
"...And so much more"
Also to include the letters [P] [Y] [R] [A], but the PYR would be the dynamic ones.
Problem is, I couldn't think of any terms to use for the [Y] letter, words which would relate to computing or the device.
So then thought, that letter [Y] might also have to be a constant, perhaps representing "[Y]ours".
So the [P] and [R] would be changeable, something different when the slogan was used, but still recognisable as a slogan for Pyra due to the ending "...[A]nd so much more".
For example;
A poster/web advert, which was focusing on the emulation gaming side of things could have the slogan, probably printed small towards the bottom, under the logo, which read as:
"[P]lay, [Y]ours, [R]etro, ...[A]nd so much more"
A poster which was demonstrating the Pyra as the ultimate handheld for developer and coder types, could read something like:
"[P]ortable, [Y]ours, [R]oot, ...[A]nd so much more"
I figured the [P] and [R] could be used for a number of things, though couldn't think of too many myself, but probably could
"[P]ocketable, [Y]ours, [R]emote, ...[A]nd so much more"
Another for aiming to coders could be;
"[P]ython, [Y]ours, [R]uby, ...[A]nd so much more"
You get the idea, not so sure about it even, but put it out here for you anyway