Psx4gp2x V0.1.2 Test 1 - Playstation 1 Emulator For Gp2x

hlide said:
StreaK said:
BTW. i dont see hlide in credits in this psx4all edition, is he workin on this project ?
In fact, this version uses some code i wrote but not something i will brag about to be frank but i should be in the credits the next time (zodttd ;P). It is true i intended to use the second cpu of gp2x but technically you need to make a kernel module for linux to help the communication between both cpu through interrupts, which is insane to debug and my gp2x tends to drain energy too fast to such an extent that i prefer not to develop UPON it.

By the way, I'm mostly working on yapse4all now.

Does that mean zodttd and you are never gona use the second core of the cpu? :(

nice videos thanks the games look really amazing.

thanks zodttd and Hlide for this great releases^^
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Hey ZodTTD, how abaut external config files for each game for psx4all ? [ simple INI files read by psx4all with config ] I think it will be usefull for everyone. For a beta testers and for You and hlide [ to find ideal configuration for some kind of games ]

for instance file DukeNukem.ini:
This version seems to be running great :)

Final Fantasy 7
240+RAM tweaks, 1.5 cycle, 25% clock

battles seem to be running much better

(lower clock, at 1.1 cycle, had graphical problems, flashing characters and weird stuff)

Thanks a hell of a lot.
Gah, I'm still having problems with PSX4GP2X being stuck at "Loading BIOS". Can someone help me out?

I have no problems playing these games in pSX, but PSX4GP2X freezes on Loading BIOS when I try to play.

EDIT: Solved, I was trying to convert my img rips to ISO, and then I found out that .img format works. That should probably be made clearer.

I tried, FF7, and it seems like it's almost fullspeed! Even with sound, though the sounds is pretty messy.

Maybe I'll make a video later. I don't have TV-Out though, so it'd be pretty bad.
StreaK said:
Fast link with a few tested games:

All games tested on: Psx4All 0.2.0 TEST 1 [ latest build so far :D ]

Dead Or Alive ->
Gunners Heaven / Rapid Reload ->
TurnAbout ->

Thanks, its nice to see some videos

Dead or Alive seems to run very well.

I think I'll try and see if Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Legend of Mana and Parasite Eve work. Maybe Metal Gear Solid too.

BTW: Can someone explain what PSX Cycle and PSX Clock are? Maybe it would help me understand why lowering them gets us better performance.
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how well does Wip3out run, if at all?
WipeOut 3 Special Edition works pretty well with OC=275, RAM timings ON, Cycle = 2.0 and Clock = 70%. Maybe 60% speed.

Its got a few strange problems though, for instance if you fiddle with the clock & cycle settings to get a higher than ~30 vsync your racer rolls while turning. Also if you try to use any form of frameskip it keeps on jumping back and forth between frames.

I would stay with Wipeout 2097 or Wipeout 1, which both work pretty much fullspeed.
Does everyone think that PSX Cycle 1.1 and PSX Clock at 25% is probably the best setting for most games, or at least those games where the only things rendered are the player models, and everything else is pre-rendered (i.e., final fantasy, resident evil)?

Maybe we should make a list of settings for different sorts of games that seem to work best?
Adventus said:
how well does Wip3out run, if at all?

I would stay with Wipeout 2097 or Wipeout 1, which both work pretty much fullspeed.

Can you upload a video of Wipeout 1 running fullspeed O_o ? Thank you.
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Someone tried Spyro 2 and Takken3 on F200 with speed full-speed?
They work well or not?
Neither Spyro 2 nor tekken 3 run at all for me, could be my dumps (they are quite old) and I suffered some SD data corruption recently. I am not able to re-rip them right now.
Thanks, but someone could make a list of games that you can play full-speed without any problem?
Abe's Odyssey is supposed to run at ACTUAL fullspeed.

Final Fantasy VII works pretty darn good. I tried it, and it's close enough to fullspeed for me. Only thing is the sound is pretty messy.

I also tried Resident Evil 1, which doesn't work well. Any recommendations for settings for Resident Evil?
Ack! A new Psx4gp2x test version has been available for 3 days and I didn't know about it??

Man, I've gotta stop relying on GP32X's front page for news, and dig a little deeper into the forum!

Seriously though, I know you posted the last two test updates in this thread, zodttd, so it would only make sense that you would continue to post updates here as well... I've just been too busy over the holiday weekend to take a gander at how things are going.

You're truly gifted at what you do, and each Psx4gp2x release is better than the last! Bravo!
Adventus said:

Can you upload a video of Wipeout 1 running fullspeed O_o ? Thank you.
Its been full-ish-speed for a while now. Unfortunately I'm back to dialup speeds at the moment, but there is already a few videos up of WipeOut XL/2097.;search=Search

Wipeout 1 runs better than XL.

That´s not fullspeed for me, it is 1/3 fullspeed ;)
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Woo, more tests... As always 280Mhz clock speed, ram timings on, no frameskip and sound and interlace off unless stated. All disk images used have been compressed with Pocket ISO 2.1 and tested with ePSXe to make sure they work.

Breath of fire 3 : (PSX Clock 40% Cycle 2.0) Game reports it is running at 70FPS! But seems to run about 30 at most times (not bad, but not 70 either) Played for about 30 mins with no lockups. Playable, but not full speed.

Diablo : Froze after *now loading* screen.

Legend of Mana : (PSX Clock 40% Cycle 2.0) Like most Square titles, this one runs OK (near fullspeed) at times when the PSX CPU is lowered. Very playable, even if a little bit laggy at times.

Loaded : Froze on Loading Bios.

Ogre Battle - Limited Edition : Got funky crash graphics, looked like a ZX Spectrum bombing, only more colourful :)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2 : Menu text was missing, so it was impossible for me to get ingame.

Suidoken 2 : Blank screen after clicking new game. The emulator does not freeze, and whatever is happening is happening at 30FPS.

Tactics Ogre : (PSX Clock 100% Cycle 1.0) No matter what clock and cycle counts I tried, the game ran at around half speed (25-35FPS), playable in some cases, but the obvious GFX lag and slower game play would prolly drive all but real fans of this game nuts.

Vigilante 8 : Froze on first screen after *loading bios*.


I will probably start posting findings together in a thread on in the GP2X secton - just to try keep them all in one place and together - :) It might help the other current psx4iphone users with settings.


I did post to zod's forum, I just think its a better place for this kind of list, and I was bored so *shrug* see my sig for info.
That´s not fullspeed for me, it is 1/3 fullspeed
Obviously those are older builds. With build 0.20 Test 1, OC=275mhz, RAM Timings ON, Sound OFF, FS 0/1, Clock = 100%, Cycle = 1.... I get 18 - 23 fps. Apparantly thats 2/3 the real fps. I chose these settings to get an accurate fps rating, its much more playable with frameskip ON, smaller clock and greater cycle.