Working On A NewVersion Of Psx4gp2x.

Master ZodTTD is back to enlighten us !!! Great :P

Thanks a lot for what you do !

Hoping to see some games of psx playable :P

Hella yes! PSX on my GP2X?!? Of course!

I'm still drooling over the idea of more FPS on my SFEX2 - looks soo sweet, just seeing it on the GP brings tears of joy to my eyes....
I would love it if you reimplemeted the progressive interlace. I regard many games playable in the previous builds (Spyro being one of them), but not in the current one, because of this feature.
Of course one can emulate PSX with all its games would be the top for our GP2X.
We look forward to and even if you want to be here any test available for me and my F200!