List Your Favourite/notable Spectrum Games!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
In my quest to find out what are the games to play/see on other platforms that are alien to me, I finally come to the Spectrum series. It totally bombed as a platform in North America (or at least Ontario where I am), so I only ever saw a couple in my entire life.. yet they (and the Amstrad?) were so very popular over in the UK, France etc. (If the former RetroGamer is to believed anyway. They make all you UKians sound like Dizzy fans :)

So I have absolutely no idea what are The Games worth playing on the Speccy. Enlighten us :)

Play Target Renegade, its still one of my favorite games of all time, make sure you play the 128k version as the music is terrible when running on a 48k.

Another good one for me is Rescue, a maze/puzzle/shooter, lots of fun.
I always used to love a game called The Tube... It was basically R-Type in a tunnel, however i havent played it in yonks so it might suck now compared to then. And of course I loved the Dizzy games ;)
Head over Heels
Batman (Isometric)
Knight Lore
Skool Daze
The Great Escape

Many more but these are a few of my faves.
There are so many. But here's a couple out of the top of my mind:

- Lords of Midnight/Domdarks Revenge
- Spindizzy
- Alien
- Exolon
- Rex
- Skooldaze/Back to school
- Highway Encounter
- Sir Fred
- Trapdoor
- JetPac, Sabre Wulf, Knightlore + pretty much most of the Ulitmate titles
- Fairlight
- Android 2
- Panzadrome

And the list just goes on ... Man, I don't believe I just remembered all these games.. :huh: :)
attic attack,luna jetpack,manic miner and horace series goes skiing and spiders etc
nodes and arcs of yesod (by odin computer graphics team!)
turbo esprit
Yep - Target Renegade is great...

Also... Loved Rygar (but is very simple and not particularly nice looking - just have fond memories of it!)

Ummm - Dizzy series (as you said) leaning more towards the first three (Dizzy, treasure Island Dizzy and Fantasy World Dizzy).

R-Type - damn good version of this, though doesnt touch the PC engine version.

Man... there were looooads, but do you think I can remember them at the moment????
All the true dizzy games (none of the spin off crap)
Head over Heels - one of the greatest games ever made imho
Auf Wiedersehen Monty
Great Escape
Where time stood still (simliar style to great escape - probably by same developers I'd guess)
How to be a complete bastard
Mined out (but prefer the Dragon32 version personally)
Green Beret
Gauntlet I/II
Carrier Command (still can't believe they managed this on the speccy)

And last but by all means not least, the most addictive game in existence - 3D Deathchase!
One of my favs was one that noone else ever seems to remember.

Every ones a Wally if you can find the mp3 of the music from the b side of the cassette its a great laugh. The game in many ways rips off the characters from "The Young Ones" great platform adventure game. Oh and I have very fond and not so fond memories of Elite on the speccy and trying to get that damn Lenz lock to work "thoughs of you who had one will remeber the fun waiting half an hour for the game to load for the lenz lock password to be incorrect 3 times, and suffer a reboot. :ph34r:
Hehe - I remember Everyone's a wally, although I preferred Pyjamarama.

I think Mike Berry did the theme.....
Everyone's a wally, a ninkempoop, a noddy or a nerd!
Everyone's a wally, everyone's a wally that's the word.

Anyone remember the 'B' side to Confusion:
I'm so confused don't know what to do
Can anyone help me

Mrs Mopp
Jumping Jack
Splitting Images
Horace and the Spiders
Scrabble - I met a retired couple who brought a speccy just to play this
Atic Atac, Jetpac, Knight Lore et al (Ultimate ruled)
Batman & Head Over Heels (Ritman & Drummond - what a team)
Manic Miner
The list is endless - so many games originated on the spectrum. Lets hope the GPx2 spawns a new generation of creative coders.
The Spectrum is my first love in terms of gaming and will always be something I go back to again and again. Unfortunately, a lot of the greatest Spectrum games are just not very playable on the GP32 due to the limited inputs (e.g. Elite, Lords Of Midnight, Football Manager, the Hobbit, F1 Manager, and even Head Over Heels and The Great Escape).

Because of this, I would recommend the following (with simple controls):
Jet Pac (only 16K!)
Manic Miner
Bomb Jack
Batty (better than Arkanoid)
Chuckie Egg
Cliff Hanger
Way Of The Exploding Fist
Bruce Lee

Most of these have already been mentioned though.
Hehe.. someone interested in Your Sinclair issues around 88-89.. All in good condition ;)