Release Epic Inventor


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Epic Inventor.


The game is written in JAVA, and is quite memory intensive, so for CC model, you'll need a Swapfile, and some patience. It seems fine on 512Mo model like Rebirth or Gigahertz.

I have adapted a bit the default Keymap:

DPad to Move (only Left/Right in fact)

{X} to Jump

{B} is Action

{A} is Robot

{Y} is Inventory

Also, in game, {R} is mapped to Left Mouse Buttons.

Left Nub is Mouse Buttons, Right Nub is Mouse (but you can change that using the left_nub and right_nub files inside appdata/epicinventor).

History log


Build 02


  • Attempt to fix the "lost keyboard" issue.
Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Resize to 800x480 (from 800x600)
  • Keymap customization

Source is inside the PND, and it's based on latest git release, so v0.7 (where it seems latest official binary is 1.0).
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Hey.. This looks good, I installed java... Game loads but I can't put a name in.. Keyboard doesn't work.

Any ideas??

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Hey.. This looks good, I installed java... Game loads but I can't put a name in.. Keyboard doesn't work.

Any ideas??

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Hmmm, my code for forcing fullscreen doesn't seems to work all the time it seems. Sometimes, the app lose the focus :( You'll need to alt-tab and go back to the game to get keyboard back. I have to found a better and more stable way to get fullscreen...
... strange, I could enter a name but as soon as the game started I couldn't move or exit the game. I could only do things with the mouse, so maybe I also lost the keyboard? Pandora-Button still worked though (that's how I managed to close it).

When I tried again it worked fine though.
... strange, I could enter a name but as soon as the game started I couldn't move or exit the game. I could only do things with the mouse, so maybe I also lost the keyboard? Pandora-Button still worked though (that's how I managed to close it).

When I tried again it worked fine though.
Yes, defenitly something wrong with the fullscreen coe... I'm not fond of Java  :unsure: ...
Ok, here is a try to fix the "sometimes keyboard lost" issue. Not sure it works.

Build 02


  • Attempt to fix the "lost keyboard" issue.
Tried out the second build yesterday:

First try: started the game, but accidently hit a (mouse ?) button during start and things went crazy afterwards. It looked/felt like focus was constantly jumping between game and taskbar, and I could not really make any usefull input in both. Also the nub configuration got confused (left nub was buttons, right nub was movement), but maybe that was just me fighting with getting control of something. The only way out was to reset the Pandora via Powerswitch+Pandorabutton.

Second try: Was carefull not to press any button and the game loaded without problems, except that the taskbar was still visible and covered some part of the game. But otherwise everything was fine (but it took about 5 min for the world to be generated on my rebirth@800MHz).
Tried out the second build yesterday:

First try: started the game, but accidently hit a (mouse ?) button during start and things went crazy afterwards. It looked/felt like focus was constantly jumping between game and taskbar, and I could not really make any usefull input in both. Also the nub configuration got confused (left nub was buttons, right nub was movement), but maybe that was just me fighting with getting control of something. The only way out was to reset the Pandora via Powerswitch+Pandorabutton.

Second try: Was carefull not to press any button and the game loaded without problems, except that the taskbar was still visible and covered some part of the game. But otherwise everything was fine (but it took about 5 min for the world to be generated on my rebirth@800MHz).
The First try: Very strange behavoue, I never got this on my side.

The second Try: when this happens, I switch to another app (using the taskbar) and switch back to epic inventor, and then I have true Fullscreen.

But that prooves the Fullscreen code is still not good, thanks for the feedback.
I've really been enjoying this one. I'd like to see if Multiplayer is possible too. Did you have to modify the sources at all, or can I try to download the latest version and just drop in/replace the proper locations within the PND?
I've really been enjoying this one. I'd like to see if Multiplayer is possible too. Did you have to modify the sources at all, or can I try to download the latest version and just drop in/replace the proper locations within the PND?
I have modify a few things, so dialog fit the screen and default keymap is pandora friendly.
I have to go to their forum and say hi there (but I don't like to register to 20 thousands places) and ask for updated sources.
I've really been enjoying this one. I'd like to see if Multiplayer is possible too. Did you have to modify the sources at all, or can I try to download the latest version and just drop in/replace the proper locations within the PND?
I have modify a few things, so dialog fit the screen and default keymap is pandora friendly.
I have to go to their forum and say hi there (but I don't like to register to 20 thousands places) and ask for updated sources.
I can do the sign ups and requesting if you'd like. :) Do you think it would be possible to make your mods upstream and include an auto update feature in the PND?
I've really been enjoying this one. I'd like to see if Multiplayer is possible too. Did you have to modify the sources at all, or can I try to download the latest version and just drop in/replace the proper locations within the PND?
I have modify a few things, so dialog fit the screen and default keymap is pandora friendly.
I have to go to their forum and say hi there (but I don't like to register to 20 thousands places) and ask for updated sources.
I can do the sign ups and requesting if you'd like. :) Do you think it would be possible to make your mods upstream and include an auto update feature in the PND?
yes sure.

about pushing my modif upstream why not, but a way to find of the game is running on a pandora or not has to be found first.
Could your modifications perhaps just be included as an additonal screen size option?