Project Ninja

Nova posted on Jul 8 2005 at 10:10 PM said:
/me comes out of the floor gratings.

$150 sounds reasonable, thats about 80 squid is it not?




Cheap squids, make good food.
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touchscreens normally use up next to no power whatsoever, as in, you could measure how long a pair of batteries lasted in the console, add a touchscreen, carry out the same test, and not notice any difference in the timing :)
ok so n64 and psx is out then.

With the current specs, what would the ninja be capable of emulating (emulation is pretty much the only thing I'm interested in on a handheld :) ) that the gp32 cannot?
Pretty sure the Amiga (500/1000/2000), SNES, Jaguar (64 bit?), SegaCD, Saturn (Why bother?), GBA (bit faster), Commodore 128D, Windows 3.1/95 (very limited, slow)
Macintosh (Early series), and all the GP32 ports.

Possibly a couple others I'm not even able to think of right now.
well the big new things will be neogeo and cps/cps2....

all this cool arcarde shooters and beat'em ups.
And psx is not impossible (it was possible for the gp :P but very slow) but its not very likely....
I doubt we will have any windows-emus :/ (i wouldnt want one :P would just throw my ninja in a corner cos it would reboot every 5 secs xD )

maybe amiga.... and maybe dosbox....

i doubt that the saturn is possible.... but it would be great if it was possible :P there were some great games for this system :)


hm maybe they have some good touchscreens...:

just searched google a little bit :P
Forget the Saturn, i think there's any emu for this console, even on PC...
"Jaguar (64 bit?)"

"Do The Math." :P

"Saturn (Why bother?)"

Many good games. But I reckon the Saturn and PSX are somewhat similar in raw power, and Saturn is/was harder to program, due to dual processors, IIRC... So if PSX is out, which it isn't, IMHO, then Saturn is out, aswell.

How about N-Gage emulation? :P

Question, how deep can one go with current emulation? Say, emulate UAE on PC, emulate Atari ST on UAE, then emulate MS-DOS on ST... Can't remember if there is an ST emulator for Amiga, tho...

"Forget the Saturn, i think there's any emu for this console, even on PC..."

So? :P :lol:
He meant "don't think". If they haven't even got a decent Saturn emulator running on 3GHz and upwards PCs, how do you expect to do it on a 400-550Mhz handheld?
Wow, just looked it up. According to ,
the saturn has eight (8) processors in it.

Two Hitachi SH2 32-bit RISC @ 28.6MHz
One Hitachi SH1 32-bit RISC
VDP 1 32-bit video display processor
VDP 2 32-bit video display processor
Saturn Control Unit (SCU)
Motorola 68EC000 sound processor
DSP sound processor

I'm roughly guessing any system would need at LEAST a 1.2 GHz processor to emulate them all, assuming they all run about 28.6 MHz.
GBA= should be possible and perhaps perfect speed
SNES=should be perfect
N64=not possible, unplayable slow, so waste of time
PSX=could be playable, there were emus for pc that were fullspeed on 300Mhz
Neogeo=should be playable, perhaps ram issues
X86=perhaps a 286 or 386, man that would be cool.
In general, we should be able to emulate almost every mame game, except those 3D ones and the HDD games.

Also we should not forget all those PC ports which should be possible! Like Exult, Quake (fullspeed), Duke 3D and so on.

PS: please add a touchscreen
Those full speed PC PSX emulators @ 300mhz were using a floating point processor, of which the Ninja will not have one, so you can't compare.

GBA will only be full speed once the issues have been ironed out with the various caches. So, once we have a stable gba on the gp32, it could probably double it's speed by being ported to the Ninja. Attempting to port another GBA emu will just result in the same thing as the GBA emu on the PSP - a slow ass emu running at a few fps.
you can pretty much expect what we have at gp/z/dc +a bit more, i look forward to great homebrew and game ports. Also a touchscreen would be pretty much essential for me couse this thing cries for haveing linux on it.
wow $8.870 for the 3.8" if you buy 100, now there realy isnt any reason not to add it for that price. getting them that cheap for that price also makes it possible to just make it a option, add the conenctor alwlays on the board and applieng it to the lcd should be a job of a few minutes, jsut ship one with it with a manual how to connect it, and evryone will be fine.
So, it's not an integrated part of the LCD? Can be added later? Then I should not think it would be a problem to leave option for it? Same with memory.... um, slot.

Sooooo, who will actually build these? I seem to recall lots of cheap chinese labor being required in electronics manufacturing. :huh: And how does one manufacture the casing? Any designs on that yet?
And when it gets scratched? Can it be removed, and replaced?

For the record, I'd like the name for this machine to be Kunoichi, in honor of Commodore Amiga, one of, if not THE first true homebrew computer, and in spirit of the project's codename. :)

(That's female ninja, BTW.) :rolleyes: