Project Ninja

psx/n64 etc would really benefit from hardware 3d, which the ninja will not have, so the 3d will use up a lot of mhz that could otherwise be used to emulate the other parts of the system.

at the moment, the psp is a better system. it's slower @ 333mhz, but contains more hardware to help the processor.
Am I correct to assume, that huge amounts of MHZ would only be needed for games like Ridge Racer, or others that actually use polygons that need to be counted? Games like, hum, Puzzle Boble, and few 2D RPG's, etc, would not need the oomph?

That bit thing got me wondering... If I were to macigally obtain a 3GHz 6502 processor, strap it to my C=64, plus some additional memory... Could I emulate 16bit, 32bit, or even the few 64 bit consoles with it?
Basically, the less drawing that has to be done, the faster it'll go. So if the hardware is just taking a 2d image and throwing it on the screen, it'll be a lot quicker than trying to parse and render a 3d scene.

A 3ghz 6502 processor would probably be limited to 32-bit without struggling, due to the simplistic nature of the chip (and thus requiring loads of clock cycles for various operations). Of course, in reality, you'd also need a new address bus (6502 is only 16-bit address, thus 64Kb), new ram which could run fast enough to not slow the processor down, a much lower voltage as 5v would melt the chip running at those speeds, etc, etc. So easier to just replace the entire machine all together :)
Squidge posted on Jul 7 2005 at 07:33 PM said:
Basically, the less drawing that has to be done, the faster it'll go. So if the hardware is just taking a 2d image and throwing it on the screen, it'll be a lot quicker than trying to parse and render a 3d scene.

The Problem with 3D Chip Support is, that noone would use it for his emulator. All Emulators out, are based on already existsing Sourcecode. And if an Emulator would use 3D, it must be openGL, for easy porting. But have a look to the PS2, the Console comes with a fast CPU, and a good 3D chip, but there is no N64 Emulator for it. There is also no Emulator out, that would benefit from the 3D chip. So whats the point here ? Noone would/can port a (any 3D emulator here) to a new/unknown 3D chip. There is a nice 3D chip in the PSP, but there is no doc how to programm this thing, and we will never see a PSX or N64 Emu on an PSP. Fot PSx emulation all 3D stuf can be made in Software. Bleem runs pretty well on an 300Mhz old PC, in Software Rendering. I think the Ninja only gets a Chance, if it is Cheap, and powerfull. But this means we must keep the Hardware simple.
Gizmondo, 3D, but small display, 300$
PSP, 3D, 333Mhz, cool device..., But Sony will do everything to stop running Homebrew on this thing. (250$)
Zodiac, cool, but not so powerfull(200Mhz) in 2D or 3D, and this thing is expensive.

So what is missing here, a cheap thing... (~150$) And powerfull, 400Mhz, and Software overclocking up to 533Mhz !!!!
If you want 3D (never supported by Homebrew devvers), get a PSP, giz, or zod.
If you want a lot RAM -> Touchscreen ->W-lan, have a look at the PDA section. But be warned a PDA is expensive too. (350$ is nothing for a medium good device)

Its like VHS, Video2000,Betamax. Or more like C64, and Atari XL/XE. Not the Best device will win, the cheapest will. And in this case is the Cheapest also the most powerfull for 2D Homebrew.

just my 2c
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Yup, it was called the TurboCPU, it was a WDC W65C816S 16 bit microprocessor running at upto 20 MHz, and not only could it emulate the 6502, it could also address upto 16mb of ram :)
i totally agree with you mirko.. ok not about the touchscreen ;) but i could live without one, and still buy this thing.
I dont need w-lan, it will have a usb-port (perhaps normal female ;) ) then i could just stick in my USB WifiStick and use it under linux, no problem for me. Ram maybe upgrade able too if some of your really need it. And even without touch, it would be still (with the right linux os ) some kind of PDA.

@Mirko: how expansiv would be a touchscreen, i just want to know.
i think there is a n64 emu for the gamecube ;P

but i dont want to talk about that ;)

i agree with you in the point that it should be cheap ;) but as you said a pda is expensive.... so a cheap gaming device with pda-funktions would be great ;) (touchscreen *g* )

but its up to you.... and i would still buy it without a touchscreen :) but i would really love it if it had a touchscreen :D
mr.mirko posted on Jul 7 2005 at 11:47 PM said:
Squidge posted on Jul 7 2005 at 07:33 PM said:
Basically, the less drawing that has to be done, the faster it'll go. So if the hardware is just taking a 2d image and throwing it on the screen, it'll be a lot quicker than trying to parse and render a 3d scene.

The Problem with 3D Chip Support is, that noone would use it for his emulator. All Emulators out, are based on already existsing Sourcecode. And if an Emulator would use 3D, it must be openGL, for easy porting. But have a look to the PS2, the Console comes with a fast CPU, and a good 3D chip, but there is no N64 Emulator for it. There is also no Emulator out, that would benefit from the 3D chip. So whats the point here ? Noone would/can port a (any 3D emulator here) to a new/unknown 3D chip. There is a nice 3D chip in the PSP, but there is no doc how to programm this thing, and we will never see a PSX or N64 Emu on an PSP. Fot PSx emulation all 3D stuf can be made in Software. Bleem runs pretty well on an 300Mhz old PC, in Software Rendering. I think the Ninja only gets a Chance, if it is Cheap, and powerfull. But this means we must keep the Hardware simple.
Gizmondo, 3D, but small display, 300$
PSP, 3D, 333Mhz, cool device..., But Sony will do everything to stop running Homebrew on this thing. (250$)
Zodiac, cool, but not so powerfull(200Mhz) in 2D or 3D, and this thing is expensive.

So what is missing here, a cheap thing... (~150$) And powerfull, 400Mhz, and Software overclocking up to 533Mhz !!!!
If you want 3D (never supported by Homebrew devvers), get a PSP, giz, or zod.
If you want a lot RAM -> Touchscreen ->W-lan, have a look at the PDA section. But be warned a PDA is expensive too. (350$ is nothing for a medium good device)

Its like VHS, Video2000,Betamax. Or more like C64, and Atari XL/XE. Not the Best device will win, the cheapest will. And in this case is the Cheapest also the most powerfull for 2D Homebrew.

just my 2c

$150? Want. Give. Now.

So how much would it cost for the touch screen? It seems a viable idea.
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another issue with the psp is that its screen is widescreen and at a not so good resolution. also tends to ghost a lot. also its 4 way d-pad is bothersome, but the analog disk is pretty nice to use sometimes.
mr.mirko posted on Jul 7 2005 at 10:47 PM said:
Squidge posted on Jul 7 2005 at 07:33 PM said:
Basically, the less drawing that has to be done, the faster it'll go. So if the hardware is just taking a 2d image and throwing it on the screen, it'll be a lot quicker than trying to parse and render a 3d scene.

....If you want 3D (never supported by Homebrew devvers), get a PSP, giz, or zod.

just my 2c

Zod for 3D? It has absolutely no 3d hardware whatsoever (only 2D) so for sure the Ninja will outperform it in 3D. The Ninja's 400 MHz chip will do much more than the Zod's 193 Mhz CPU for 3D.

Look at some old computers, they did alot of impressive 3D games before graphics cards had 3D support. The thing is though a math co-processor would go a long way for this. Without floating point hardware games like Quake will be difficult. It would sure be nice if it could be added to ninja.
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Yeah (repeating what already has been said) how much would a touchscreen cost? Would it use the same amount of batteries? A touch-screen would be so freakin' awesome. I think the w-lan is a waste though. The only people that would ever use this thing (if it ever became playable) would be people like us, and I dont know if any of us even live within 50 miles of each other. Maybe we should GP32 user locater :D ! If it ever became more popular though, the w-lan would be a good feature. I think we should keep that as an add-on type of thing because it isn't practical for battery life(?) or cost. But extra ram... is a good thing.

This is so awesome... I cant believe it's happening!
No no no, something like in the Aliens movie...




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
Jarska333 posted on Jul 8 2005 at 07:58 PM said:
No no no, something like in the Aliens movie...




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console

/me comes out of the floor gratings.

$150 sounds reasonable, thats about 80 squid is it not?
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Nova posted on Jul 8 2005 at 08:10 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Jul 8 2005 at 07:58 PM said:
No no no, something like in the Aliens movie...




:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 
gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console  gp32_console

/me comes out of the floor gratings.

$150 sounds reasonable, thats about 80 squid is it not?

£86.35 :P Although I really must add my name to the please make it 64Mb list. Nothing else matters as much since it would give all CPS2, most Neo Geo, Other arcade machines + Linux.

Please Please Please can we get 64Mb. Please
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