Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
We're nearly there: The preorders are about to start in two hours, as this is when it's 00:00am in Germany, which means it's May 1st!

We had to do some last-time changes with the downpayment price to be sure we will have enough funds to fund start of the production, even if something bad happens.

We kept the promise to keep the normal Pyra at 500 EUR (without VAT), the downpayment for it will be 330 EUR.
The 4G version will be at 600 EUR (without VAT), the downpayment for it will be 400 EUR.

In case you want to get two or more units of the Pyra, you will get a discount of 5% (which are applied when you do the final payment).

As many were asking for a 4GB unit, we added that one as well - for 30 EUR more.
However, we do not yet know if that works well, so in case it doesn't, you will get a 2GB unit (and of course won't have to pay the 30 EUR more in the end).

The downpayment is the same.

As some users have asked to pay more upfront, simply buy additional shop vouchers from here. You can then use these vouchers for the final payment.

If you want to further support us (which would be very welcome, as we can need every cent!), simply add as many donations as you want from here.

The following payment methods will work:
* Bankwire transfer (cheapest for us)
* Credit Card payment
* BitCoin payment

PayPal payment is not available since they didn't allow crowdfunding.
Please note that for security reasons, the credit card needs to be registered in the same country as your IP is registered to. In case you still have issues with the payment, please contact your bank as international payments might be blocked for your card (this depends on your credit card company)

Both Bitcoin and Bankwire payment will take a while, but your place in the queue will be decided when you placed your order. The 200 pre-preorderers don't need to hurry, as they already have their place in the spot.

You can find all available units and place your preorder here.

Be sure to carefully read the product description as well as the Preorder FAQ which I will update during the next two hours based on the questions you had.

Now... let's get things started. I hope we will get enough preorders pretty soon, but I still wanted to keep everything low in order to give you followers the chance to preorder first!

I'll concentrate on a nice video of the Pyra and official press releases soon :)

Really, I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support.
Everyone here at the "Lange Nacht der Computerspiele" who tried the Pyra prototype was amazed by it - and all Pandora users loved the new nubs.

It's great seeing so much interest, especially considering how much time and effort we've already put into it!

Thanks... just thanks :D
I love you guys :D
Absolutely amazing progress! I hope you'll be able to make and upload a video of the Lange Nacht der Computerspiele - sadly, I couldn't be there, so I'd love to at least watch a video of what you are able to show there.

I'm just a bit sad that the downpayment got higher in the last few days, just a week ago I didn't expect to have to pay 110€ more to my pre-preorder to get the 4G version. This can be a little ruff on college students like me, but as your reasoning for this is very good (a small company has to pay for the parts, that's perfectly understandable) and the preorders probably will still be available in June, it's tolerable in my opinion.
Bring it on!! hope the Pyra will be a big succes!
I got my voucher ready :)
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Absolutely amazing progress! I hope you'll be able to make and upload a video of the Lange Nacht der Computerspiele - sadly, I couldn't be there, so I'd love to at least watch a video of what you are able to show there.

Sadly not, I was mostly busy preparing the preorders and telling people about what the Pyra is here, I didn't have time to make anything else here :(
Will the units have a serial number attached somewhere actually?
I mean, I already have a nice board, but I don't carry that around everywhere and could possibly say "Yeah, that's the third (mass-produced) Pyra ever made, mate. Isn't that great?"
Nice to hear its in less then 2 Hours..

But ditnt you forgett the (tm) behind 2 Hours?? So 110 € and prepreorder voucher code..
Can i also just copy and past the code when it comes to payment?? I dotnt know if i want it to write on this tiny smartphone touch keyboard at mitnight..

Then i have to drive to my bank tomorow to make the payment of the rest..

Best luck and lots of orders..

What happen if you ditnt get enough orders tomorow?? Will preeorder also be next week, and until enought orders are taken??
Sadly not, I was mostly busy preparing the preorders and telling people about what the Pyra is here, I didn't have time to make anything else here :(
I didn't know you had any limits ;)
Seriously, thanks for all the hard work and I hope you get more preorders than you plan for. I'm perfectly fine with waiting a few weeks, maybe even Two Months for any videos. And I hope all the guests and maybe even you have fun in Leipzig!
cool stuff !
(without paypal i'll have to wait... my card has too many protections and i was never able to actually buy directly from internet...)
Great news, do us a favour and get that press release up on FB as I want to share the shit out of it.
IN A.D. 2016

I love how fate messes with me sometimes. Financial trouble 2 weeks before the Pyra (I've saved that money for 2 years)... I really wanted to be first, but I hope I can get enough if the preorders last long enough.. (Please last until about july...)
Can i also just copy and past the code when it comes to payment?? I dotnt know if i want it to write on this tiny smartphone touch keyboard at mitnight..

I hope us pre-preorderers can copy it...
But even if not, our places are reserved, so we can easily do this after dawn on a normal keyboard. But I don't see any problem with copying it, that woul be a stupid system if it's not possible...

Not sure to understand. Those who pre preordered, what do they have to do ? The same as explained above ?


We order one of the preorder downpayments and use our pre-preorder code as a gift voucher for partial payment (290€, so we just have to pay 40€ for the normal version or 110€ for the 4G version more)

Edit: The pre-preorder code is this long, comvoluted mess we got via e-mail, for example mine looks a bit like this:
(of course the X's are different letters, I don't want anybody to steal it)
Just search your inbox for dragonbox and if you didn't delete the mail, you should be able to find it. Otherwise, the preorder code is probably still safed somewhere on your dragonbox account and will hopefully be activated when the preorders start.
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Where do I find my voucher for my original Pandora pre-order that I decided to use for the successor?
During the pre-preorder my debit card kept being declined, ED are you still using the same payment provider? Any tips for people ordering from the US?

Yes, still the same provider. Usually, the issue lies with your credit card company, so you need to check with them yes.

Will the units have a serial number attached somewhere actually?
I mean, I already have a nice board, but I don't carry that around everywhere and could possibly say "Yeah, that's the third (mass-produced) Pyra ever made, mate. Isn't that great?"

Yes :)

Nice to hear its in less then 2 Hours..
But ditnt you forgett the (tm) behind 2 Hours?? So 110 € and prepreorder voucher code..
Can i also just copy and past the code when it comes to payment?? I dotnt know if i want it to write on this tiny smartphone touch keyboard at mitnight..

Yes, but don't worry. With a pre-preorder, you already have your place in the queue, so you can do the preorder anytime.

What happen if you ditnt get enough orders tomorow?? Will preeorder also be next week, and until enought orders are taken??

I don't need them tomorrow, the preorders will stay open for as long as possible :)

I see I can still buy store vouchers with Paypal... Is this still acceptable?

Heh - nice spotted workaround. Yes, that would work :)
Where do I find my voucher for my original Pandora pre-order that I decided to use for the successor?

Sadly, we cannot give out these vouchers at the beginning, as we wouldn't get enough funds to do the production run.
Craig simply had too many Pandora orders left :(

Once we got enough preorders (about 1500), you will all receive the voucher and will then be able to use it anytime (as a preorder or when the unit is available from stock later).

Sorry about that, but we first need to make sure we can finance everything. You won't be forgotten though, promised!
I pre-pre-ordered one unit, what happens if I now pre-order two units?
Will they both ship when the second unit is produced, or will they be shipped independently?