[Poll] Case Colour Clarification

Your First Choice in Colour

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I am looking forward to a vantablack mockup, just for fun, since we probably can't get it (and I would guess it would need to be a coating of some sort if we could).
It would look like a flat piece of black on the table. You wouldn't even recognize the Pyra as all shape is lost.
Close... Since the Pyra would be a 3D object, you would see the outline of the 'empty blackness' move and shift as your body/head/eyes move in relation to it sitting on a surface. The black blob/shape would appear to squirm, shift and move as if it were consuming the desk surface. It would be marvelously disconcerting.
I can't wait untill it becomes commercially viable in the consumer market.

A vantablack Pyra would make me... I don't know how else to say it... as wet as a drowning kitten.
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I can't wait untill it becomes comercially viable in the consumer market.

A vantablack Pyra would make me... I don't know how else to say it... as wet as a drowning kitten.
As soon as it is commercially viable, I'll go to some Halloween party and dress up for it the first time ever - as a black hole!
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I can't wait untill it becomes comercially viable in the consumer market.

A vantablack Pyra would make me... I don't know how else to say it... as wet as a drowning kitten.
As soon as it is commercially viable, I'll go to some Halloween party and dress up for it the first time ever - as a black hole!
Conversation may be difficult if everyone is avoiding getting too close to you.
I am looking forward to a vantablack mockup, just for fun, since we probably can't get it (and I would guess it would need to be a coating of some sort if we could).
It would look like a flat piece of black on the table. You wouldn't even recognize the Pyra as all shape is lost.
That is why I am looking forward to it.
I can't wait untill it becomes comercially viable in the consumer market.

A vantablack Pyra would make me... I don't know how else to say it... as wet as a drowning kitten.
 As soon as it is commercially viable, I'll go to some Halloween party and dress up for it the first time ever - as a black hole!
You can start the preparations now by gaining mass.
I would vote for a clear "color" version like the one that ED has been showing in the videos.

I think it looks rather cool

It looks cool but I want something more pleasant for an everyday device. Honestly I think the red-gray color ED picked for the renders looks very good. Unusual enough to separate it from everything else without being too intense for prolonged usage.

Now that I think about it isn't all this discussion about which color to pick quite unproductive without also discussing the texture? I mean just look at all these car paint samples, most of them would be quite plain without an appropriate base and top coat: http://dndon.info/wp-content/upload...aint-chart-handy-home-design-handy-home-2.jpg
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it has a bit of a rough texture to make it matte. You can see it in the prototype pictures.
[doublepost=1463248153,1463247517][/doublepost]here is a picture
it has a bit of a rough texture to make it matte. You can see it in the prototype pictures.
[doublepost=1463248153,1463247517][/doublepost]here is a picture

Sorry for the confusion, I meant to say what effects to mix in such as metallic or whatever makes that grainy (sand-like) effect. Texture was clearly the wrong word but I didn't realize that when I posted.
Sorry for the confusion, I meant to say what effects to mix in such as metallic or whatever makes that grainy (sand-like) effect. Texture was clearly the wrong word but I didn't realize that when I posted.
I still don't know what you mean (sand like effect?). The surface of the cases is like that because of how they finished the molds. ED also mentioned he wanted to have kinda of a shiny/glittery/metallic effect to the plastic, which is achieved by additives to the plastic when it is being prepared (I think the anti-scratch stuff is the same kind of thing, and gets added when getting everything ready to be injected). I don't know how much he is planning on having in there, as he said it was going to be just enough to give the case an interesting look, and not just plain colored.
The rough texture might dissapear as ED said the prototype case is at lower quality than the final ones.
That rough texture was done as part of finishing the molds. Compare it to injection molded plastic that still shows where everything was cut out inside it. I don't know if an unpainted Pandora case has that, but other things I own do.

I thought ED (and many of us) wanted a rough texture. I could be wrong. Didn't ED say in the podcast interview that he didn't want something that was trying to follow current trends, such as being glossy? I definitely don't want glossy.

I will reread his news posts in a bit. As I understood it, when he said that they still needed to do a little work on the molds it was as an explanantion for why there was so much room in the battery compartment (it is easier to take material away than add it, so they try to leave stuff to work with). That shouldn't make much difference on the outer surface. They may be able to go and change that a bit, but if they mess with it too much it will make the final device ever so slightly larger, and it may cause issues with fitting all the pieces together, so I don't think they would do anything there.
it is easier to take material away than add it, so they try to leave stuff to work with
It's rather the other way round in this case (punpun) - since the molds are negatives it's easier to add something since it means taking something away from the molds.
I still don't know what you mean (sand like effect?). The surface of the cases is like that because of how they finished the molds. ED also mentioned he wanted to have kinda of a shiny/glittery/metallic effect to the plastic, which is achieved by additives to the plastic when it is being prepared (I think the anti-scratch stuff is the same kind of thing, and gets added when getting everything ready to be injected). I don't know how much he is planning on having in there, as he said it was going to be just enough to give the case an interesting look, and not just plain colored.

Yes, additives was the word I was looking for. I have no idea why my vocabulary is completely failing me today. I swear I've had something with a sand-like (i.e. "dots" with a different color) effect instead of just plain metallic (lines of a shiny color), but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. The surface itself was smooth and glossy but it looked like these bags of magic sand: http://www.ecobaoyu.com/pic/big/352_0.jpg

It wasn't the prettiest effect but it rejected scratch marks like crazy, as in the scratches were there and you could feel them but they completely disappeared into the pattern. I wouldn't wan't my Pyra to look that way but I'm just saying the pattern does exist.
Off-black, rough texture... it really is turning out to be like an old Thinkpad, and I like it.
It's rather the other way round in this case (punpun) - since the molds are negatives it's easier to add something since it means taking something away from the molds.
Thats what I said. ;) Remember the SD card in the battery compartment? Material gets removed from the molds (and added to the case).

Yes, additives was the word I was looking for. I have no idea why my vocabulary is completely failing me today. I swear I've had something with a sand-like (i.e. "dots" with a different color) effect instead of just plain metallic (lines of a shiny color), but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. The surface itself was smooth and glossy but it looked like these bags of magic sand: http://www.ecobaoyu.com/pic/big/352_0.jpg
No worries, I have constant vocabulary failure. When I said additive it was just a convenient word. No clue what the technical term is.

Those colors (ignoring the texture or effect or whatever) look nice. I like the yellowish-greenish one, and the green one is also nice. The others are ok, although I don't think I would buy them is there was another option. Maybe the one on the left.

Off-black, rough texture... it really is turning out to be like an old Thinkpad, and I like it.
But no thinklight. Instead we get the backlit keyboard of new Thinkpads. Maybe ED will give us bright red rubber tops to the nubs. :P
Thats what I said. ;) Remember the SD card in the battery compartment? Material gets removed from the molds (and added to the case).
Ok, my English comprehension seemed to have failed me here.
@Klumpen See my reply above to @Djhg2000. It could be all me. I look at removing material from the mold and adding material to the case as the same, because they are. Regardless, if they want to make it easier to make changes later it is better to leave the material on the molds and remove it once it has been tested and verified that it needs to go (thus added to the case, as on the battery cover).

Think of the mold as carving wood or stone (or metal). Once you have removed material it is difficult/impossible to add it back, so until you are finalizing the piece you leave enough to work with in the future. Or not. I really don't know what I am talking about. Maybe I cleared it up for you.