Hi would anyone be interested in porting Marfitude to the gp2x? It is SDL and has the source code, the website is here http://www.erestar.net/games/marfitude/ its a great rythem game based off Amplitude for the Playstation 2.
Are you sure? This is from the website
Compiling from Source
In theory, the source compiles for Linux, FreeBSD, Darwin, and cross compiles to Windows with MinGW - in theory. There's no configure script, just run GNU 'make' from the top level and watch it break. A 'make install' puts everything in marfitude/bin directory. Or you can install it elsewhere by doing like 'make install DESTDIR=/usr/local/games/marfitude' but it probably won't run there until it's fixed. You also need to have SDL and SDL-image installed before it will work. Get them from http://www.libsdl.org, which is an awesome site. The game uses SDL-mixer too, but that is included with the download since it was edited to play more MODs.
Or can it use both? Sorry i dont know much about programming.
The source does build on Linux. I've just done it and it needs sdl-opengl and the opengl libraries. Show opengl compatible libraries are being developed but perform isn't that good because the GP2X has no 3D acceleration.
The source does build on Linux. I've just done it and it needs sdl-opengl and the opengl libraries. Show opengl compatible libraries are being developed but perform isn't that good because the GP2X has no 3D acceleration.