Rainbow Liberation Instigation
I can't wait untill it becomes commercially viable in the consumer market.Close... Since the Pyra would be a 3D object, you would see the outline of the 'empty blackness' move and shift as your body/head/eyes move in relation to it sitting on a surface. The black blob/shape would appear to squirm, shift and move as if it were consuming the desk surface. It would be marvelously disconcerting.It would look like a flat piece of black on the table. You wouldn't even recognize the Pyra as all shape is lost.I am looking forward to a vantablack mockup, just for fun, since we probably can't get it (and I would guess it would need to be a coating of some sort if we could).
A vantablack Pyra would make me... I don't know how else to say it... as wet as a drowning kitten.

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