Pocketsnes Released

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OMG Reesy you are a god among men.

Unfortunately too many people around here think that whenever you make an emulator you're a god.

Well I have tried my hardest to make everyone aware that all I have done is take peices of code written by other people and stuck into one emulator with my menu on. You are quite right, I do not deserve all of this praise as I've really not done much. People should be praising people like Notaz and Squidge instead.

So to get the ball rolling... Notaz and Squidge you are gods among men. :)

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Reesy, you may have just took peices of code written by other people and stuck it into one emulator with your own menu on, but no one else thought of doing that, so you should be given god status for thinking about it and doing it :)

Like I've said before 2007 is the year for the GP2X, and there is certainly more to come :)
OMG Reesy you are a god among men.

Unfortunately too many people around here think that whenever you make an emulator you're a god.

Well I have tried my hardest to make everyone aware that all I have done is take peices of code written by other people and stuck into one emulator with my menu on. You are quite right, I do not deserve all of this praise as I've really not done much. People should be praising people like Notaz and Squidge instead.

So to get the ball rolling... Notaz and Squidge you are gods among men. :)


Nah you are all gods :)

How can we forget the great job you did with DRmD all of those years? Then there is Dr Z80 which is still used in emus even the new CPS2 emu.

PocketSNES may be a bit of a frankenstein emu with bits from here and there but it is still great. I would imagine you may do some code optimising here someday and there to speed it up too. If you could speed up the main emulation (not concerned about FX stuff) you will be even more of a "god" :)
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