Prototype units
As you know, prototype units have been built and I also finally started to ship them to some devs.
notaz, ptitSeb and aTc either have already received one or will receive them within the next two days.
Some more devs will get one, but I haven't decided who yet and which unit.
And I'll also contact the Pyra preorderers. While these units are not yet perfect (case, older keymat, etc.), they are basically working and this might be enough for some of the preorderers, especially if they want to help with bug hunting or even bug fixing. I'll let every preorderer decide whether he wants to wait for the final keymat, etc. I hope to find the time to contact them this week.
Looking forward to hearing from you. To potentially help you shorten the communications back & forth, I'll list out what I would want to know - it may be that the rest of the prototype pre-orders would have similar questions.
*With regards to prototypes you are currently able to provide:
*Are the available processor boards 2GB or 4GB?
+If 4GB, do the 4GB units work properly with RAM configured as 2GB?
*Will they have the 4G module?
+US/EU 4G version as appropriate to the order?
*Will they have the aluminum lid logo surround in place?
*Will they have the internal thermal pad & heat sink?
*Do you have the cases for the prototype purchaser's selected color(s)?
+If those aren't available, can we opt for one of the clear &/or black uncoated cases that we've seen during development?
+Personally I would be thrilled to get a set of clear case plastics and a set of uncoated black case plastics (so I can mix/match) and skip the expensive custom coloring. Is that an option?
*Will these ship with a boot image on the eMMC or should we plan to work from SD cards?
*Since I'm all already pre-paid for high $$ shipping, can I purchase a 2nd battery to ship with it?
*If we take delivery now, potentially without the updated keymat and without special colors, etc, so that we can help bughunt, can updated keymats & the special color cases be sent out to us later?
*If a serious errata is found in the prototype SoC that gets corrected for the production SoC such that the prototype SoC looses compatibility/usability with the production SoC, will we have the option to update that hardware?
You don't need to answer in the forums of course. I posted this publicly in case any of the other prototype pre-orders wanted to add questions to it.