Picodrive 1.34

Rivroner said:
notaz said:
shinra said:
thnx notaz silpheed is much more stable now it crashed again but it was one time of 7 or 8 times played, i managed at last to get past 2nd mission and also managed to get to mission 6 with no sound problems (in mission 6 i had'em), anyway its playable now and thanks to you :)
You can just load a state where it is still ok and play through again, it should work, as the problem seems to be random. Hopefully will add a proper fix for this someday..

Yod4z said:
Rivroner said:
If i turn On 120 hz my screen goes brighter and i can see horrible scan lines :(

I have a MK1 (rev3)

And in normal mode the bright is normal but now i can see like a horizontal bars flashing all the time O_o

I have never had this problem with Picodrive.The last version i tried was 1.32

Thank you :)
120Hz mode is for MKII gp2x screen

Yeah and those horizontal bars should not appear if you never turn on that thing (let me know if they do).

They do, if i restart emulator in normal mode they appear too, in previous versions (1.32) do not have this problem.

I have similar problems in others emulators like MAME, in Mame in some verisons theyu appear, in others not O_o In NES eulators i found the same bars.They aren´t disturbing me the most of the time but sometimes you saw them :D

I suppose that the large MK1 and II versions and the different LCD sttings we can set up might be the problem.

Althought in others cases like in FBA from Squidge it´s horrible, the screen is like the sun and the bars are everywhere :D

Sorry for my bad english :(

But for instance PocketSNES is cristal clear, no bars, perfect contrast.

Notaz? :lol:
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Rivroner said:
Notaz? :lol:
As other emus are affected, it's not LCD timing thing fault. I have no idea what might be the cause of your problems, sorry.
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notaz said:
Rivroner said:
Notaz? :lol:
As other emus are affected, it's not LCD timing thing fault. I have no idea what might be the cause of your problems, sorry.

Thank you anyway ;)

In gp32spain site Headoverwheels user has modified the code of Mame last version to fix this problem, may be he can explain the problem better than me.I am gonna ask him to read this thread.
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hey notaz, thx for the work on the emu, so far it runs pretty much everything i've tried, and fullspeed :)
i have a small request/suggestion. some of the pc emus (visual boy advance for sure) have the space button assigned to something that speeds up the emulation speed (i think it had something to do with frameskipping :-? ). i used it a lot in the endless battles of phantasy star 4 :) maybe you can code something like that? :)
hsinn3r said:
i have a small request/suggestion. some of the pc emus (visual boy advance for sure) have the space button assigned to something that speeds up the emulation speed (i think it had something to do with frameskipping :-? ). i used it a lot in the endless battles of phantasy star 4 :) maybe you can code something like that? :)
This can be added easily, just nobody asked for this. Might do in the next release.
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notaz said:
hsinn3r said:
i have a small request/suggestion. some of the pc emus (visual boy advance for sure) have the space button assigned to something that speeds up the emulation speed (i think it had something to do with frameskipping :-? ). i used it a lot in the endless battles of phantasy star 4 :) maybe you can code something like that? :)
This can be added easily, just nobody asked for this. Might do in the next release.

that would be great! it would help a lot in phantasy star 2 (i've started it over and over for the past 6 years, never got a chance to finish it!!). it might even lure me to play shining in the darkness :D
anyway, thx again m8 for the emu :)
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