Rivroner said:
If i turn On 120 hz my screen goes brighter and i can see horrible scan lines
I have a MK1 (rev3)
And in normal mode the bright is normal but now i can see like a horizontal bars flashing all the time
I have never had this problem with Picodrive.The last version i tried was 1.32
Thank you
120Hz mode is for MKII gp2x screen
Yeah and those horizontal bars should not appear if you never turn on that thing (let me know if they do).
They do, if i restart emulator in normal mode they appear too, in previous versions (1.32) do not have this problem.
I have similar problems in others emulators like MAME, in Mame in some verisons theyu appear, in others not

In NES eulators i found the same bars.They aren´t disturbing me the most of the time but sometimes you saw them
I suppose that the large MK1 and II versions and the different LCD sttings we can set up might be the problem.
Althought in others cases like in FBA from Squidge it´s horrible, the screen is like the sun and the bars are everywhere
Sorry for my bad english
But for instance PocketSNES is cristal clear, no bars, perfect contrast.
Notaz? :lol: