Release Panplayer Beta 5 - Uploaded to Repo

There are few problems first one is flv don't work they keep freezing every few seconds,second one is mp4 come with black screen then system freezes you will have to do hard reset,third one is if you convert your files using pocket divx which makes avi file they show up but only audio works with black screen and lastly 3gp videos don't show up,so panplayer has many problems,all of these formats work in vlc player except mp4.
Probably what would help more than anything is links to sample files that exhibit the problems being described, as I have a limited selection of files, and can't test it against every possible file, it helps with debugging and ensuring that I can reproduce the problem and begin looking for a fix. :)

hi here is 15Mb video file that was converted from flv to xvid avi, it played fine on panplayer beta4


All right, the reason that one wasn't playing was because I forgot to get rid of the vf expand command from the mpconfig.conf file when I put the pnd together, getting rid of that line within the config should make it work.
just to point out, that me, and im sure many others, very much appreciate the work youre putting into this player
Well, I think I am going to try to roll with and patch the mplayer build that was in the latest one, seems to work better in my opinion, though not sure, though one thing that just occurred that will put a damper on progress is that the SD card that I was using to transfer test videos over and run panplayer from has started exhibiting problems, hopefully a cold reboot after a day or so will make it start behaving again, would rather not have to try to reseat it, my pandora has a fondness for ripping the tops off of SD cards, for whatever reason, it's far too tight or something I guess. Will keep you updated on that, pretty annoying though, was in the middle of putting together a set of files of various formats for testing to be able to do more thorough testing. Oh well, done with it for tonight.
Probably what would help more than anything is links to sample files that exhibit the problems being described, as I have a limited selection of files, and can't test it against every possible file, it helps with debugging and ensuring that I can reproduce the problem and begin looking for a fix. :)

hi here is 15Mb video file that was converted from flv to xvid avi, it played fine on panplayer beta4


All right, the reason that one wasn't playing was because I forgot to get rid of the vf expand command from the mpconfig.conf file when I put the pnd together, getting rid of that line within the config should make it work.

great thanks that sorts it!
I have a small problem... It won´t work on my pandora, it is saying that pandora.ttf is missing :P
I have a small problem... It won´t work on my pandora, it is saying that pandora.ttf is missing :P
I have the same issue with the latest build. pandora.ttf is available from here, but I'm not sure where to put it so Picklelauncher will find it.
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Just tried (again) the previous pnd you posted, then removed that vf expand line and now everything works!
I have a small problem... It won´t work on my pandora, it is saying that pandora.ttf is missing :P
You need to delete the panplayer directory for everything to work right, what's happening is that it's pulling the previous configuration files, which is where the reference to pandora.ttf comes from. The appdata directory is located in the pandora folder on your card, same place where the menu and desktop folders should be. Just navigate there using the file manager or whatever and delete the panplayer directory within there. So under, for example, /media/card/pandora/appdata, just like you normally stick the pnd files within /media/card/pandora/menu or /media/card/pandora/desktop, located in that same folder. So it should be located under /media/card/pandora/appdata/panplayer, just delete that folder. Just an example. :)
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The tv out doesn't work.

In video settings i changed to x11,shows green screen on tv.
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it crash when launch for me. In the .out i see "Failed to open small TTF_OpenFont: Couldn't open pandora.ttf"

Try deleting the appdata folder for Panplayer and try again, I had the same problem and this solved it.
thanks it do the trick.

The tactile button for preference are not responding, normal?
Can Panplayer now properly play shared video files over Gigolo?

good question just checked works! though stream is a bit stuttery (unless you rewind video and play preload parts then okay) i guess that maybe due to wifi issues with pandora?
where you have to go to access to the gigolo share? mnt/?

panplayer does not seem to be able to navigate filesystem in remote machine, i setup shortcut to video file on pandora desktop then use panplayer to navigate to pandora desktop and play file
where you have to go to access to the gigolo share? mnt/?

panplayer does not seem to be able to navigate filesystem in remote machine, i setup shortcut to video file on pandora desktop then use panplayer to navigate to pandora desktop and play file
I think that gigolo is a frontend for gvfs, which does I guess actually mount onto the filesystem using fuse, at least, from what I have read, so by enabling picklelauncher to see hidden files and browsing to the .gvfs directory in your home directory, you may be able to access the files from there, not sure, haven't really dealt with gvfs much before, so that's only in theory, and I have no shares or anything with which to test it. You can test it out by editing the config.txt file and changing the show_hidden variable from 0 to 1. Might work, as I said, no experience with it, just a thought from browsing on it for a few minutes. :)
Hey ED, sorry I had to replace your good skin, conflicted with the latest picklelauncher, some things not aligned right, and also wanted to try out a new layout. :) . I noticed that with the latest hotfix 7 alpha 2 that was released recently, the touchscreen for some reason didn't seem to be aligned correctly, it kind of worked sometimes, but other times the mouse pointer would be in completely different places. :)