Pandora Website Uppdate

Squidge said:
Standard frequency is dynamic depending on load, which is way its not stated. If 625Mhz is placed on the web, people may complain when they order a Pandora and find it running at 300Mhz (or whatever).

Over clocking frequency will obviously differ over units, just like on the gp2x. Due to the fact we don't have many dev units, we can't say "Most will overclock to X", as we don't have enough units to find the average (X).
Thanks for the answer Squidge :)
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jdh2550 said:
For the logo I was hoping for something based on p&|a
Why? That doesn't make any sense. isn't "or" supposed to be represented by "||"?

-God Ginrai
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Taking the less-geeky route, isn't / also an acceptable way of saying "or"

i.e. P&/A
Nova said:
Taking the less-geeky route, isn't / also an acceptable way of saying "or"

i.e. P&/A
I like it <b>because</b> it's geeky and the p&|a is the ultimate geeks toy! :)
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jdh2550 said:
Nova said:
Taking the less-geeky route, isn't / also an acceptable way of saying "or"

i.e. P&/A
I like it <b>because</b> it's geeky and the p&|a is the ultimate geeks toy! :)

Well then, being a geek, shouldn't you be able to tell the difference between bbcode and html? ;)
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Nova said:
jdh2550 said:
Nova said:
Taking the less-geeky route, isn't / also an acceptable way of saying "or"

i.e. P&/A
I like it <b>because</b> it's geeky and the p&|a is the ultimate geeks toy! :)

Well then, being a geek, shouldn't you be able to tell the difference between bbcode and html? ;)

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The site looks great. Good luck to everyone getting the prototype ready for TIDC. :-)

[EDIT:] Just noticed the Pandora in the picture is running the NeoGeo game Windjammers! I love that game.
Sphinxter said:
Lineus said:
| is a bitwise or, || is a logical or ... both are correct.
so would p&&||a
Stricly speaking, p
is also correct.
(Logical operation)

Probably too easy to confuse with "pava" though.

But honestly, while cute and geeky, I'd avoid any such cleverness in public use. It's just not professional.
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Kagato said:
Sphinxter said:
Lineus said:
| is a bitwise or, || is a logical or ... both are correct.
so would p&&||a
Stricly speaking, p
is also correct.
(Logical operation)

Probably too easy to confuse with "pava" though.

But honestly, while cute and geeky, I'd avoid any such cleverness in public use. It's just not professional.

Depends on your notation system. In formal logic, you're right. But the formal logic operators aren't the same as the logical operators for code, as I understand it; and given that it's for computer-ey geeks that p&|a seems to have arisen, it makes sense to use the logical system that, as a result of coding, they're more likely to get.
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Nova said:
Well then, being a geek, shouldn't you be able to tell the difference between bbcode and html? ;)
:angry: I don't know why the folks who made the bulletin board decided they needed square brackets rather than lt and gt. Yes, I know it made it easier to code - but the focus should have been easier to use...

But, who cares, you got my point didn't you.

FWIW, I don't expect p&|a will become the official logo - I just like it. However, while talking about this - don't you think the p&|a is aimed at the more "technically adventurous" audience (i.e. geeks)? The reason it exists is because it's a niche that Sony and Nintendo aren't filling (and will never fill). So, why not go after the geek brand - look at - they embrace geekiness.

It's cool to be a geek. Especially a geek who is geeky enough to argue about square brackets vs. less than and greater than signs! ;)
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Tobriand said:
Kagato said:
Sphinxter said:
Lineus said:
| is a bitwise or, || is a logical or ... both are correct.
so would p&&||a
Stricly speaking, p
is also correct.
(Logical operation)

Probably too easy to confuse with "pava" though.

But honestly, while cute and geeky, I'd avoid any such cleverness in public use. It's just not professional.

Depends on your notation system. In formal logic, you're right. But the formal logic operators aren't the same as the logical operators for code, as I understand it; and given that it's for computer-ey geeks that p&|a seems to have arisen, it makes sense to use the logical system that, as a result of coding, they're more likely to get.

You may need to escape those making it P\/\/\\\/a
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I actually don't like the "slogan" that much... "Ultra Portability without sacrificing Capability" is just too long IMHO. Sounds more like a line on the back of the packaging or something like that.
I think the catchphrase should be much shorter. I think it was in the "what's going to be on your SD?" thread that someone suggested "What's in your box?"
I would love that one to be the official slogan, maybe with some kind of emphasis on the "your".
Nilsiboy said:
I think the catchphrase should be much shorter. I think it was in the "what's going to be your STD?" thread that someone suggested "What's in your box?"
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