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war makes them cities explode

that was my contribution, and now back on topic

edit: worst pagebreak ever
Where is the external microphone input in the board? It's some kind of "sharing" jack with the headphone?
Delay, and go with the custom stick, assuming the price isn't too prohibitive...

The whole mentality behind the Pandora has been "do it right, release it when it's ready" from the onset, departing from that ethos now would be a big mistake IMO.

And to the RELEASE IT NOW!!!oneone crowd - patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait :P

Edit: Carnt speel
I'm afraid that choice has been eliminated already. If the developers follow the polls, we'll go with a 2mm radius no-click one
Damn straight fishybawb. Do it once and do it right I say. I wanna see this device change the face of consumer electronics. Show the big corporations how to do it right.

I'm pretty drunk right now, but here goes anyway...

I think there is a trend emerging in the last few years. That trend being large, well funded companies telling consumers what they want. Look at the iPhone and the iControlPad thingy for example. Apple released a good bit of kit, but disregarded ergonomics and practical controls and now a small but ingenious group of people are rightfully capitalizing on its flaws.

No more closed source proprietary overpriced bollocks. Open source ingenuity FTW

EDIT: spelling
EDIT2: If it wasn't for pandora, I'd probably already own an iPhone, and I'd be eagerly awaiting the iControlpad. Pandora will be better though. Mobile phones cause nut cancer :D
fishybawb said:
Delay, and go with the custom stick, assuming the price isn't too prohibitive...

The whole mentality behind the Pandora has been "do it right, release it when it's ready" from the onset, departing from that ethos now would be a big mistake IMO.

And to the RELEASE IT NOW!!!oneone crowd - patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait :P

Edit: Carnt speel
Most of us, and devs included, would've loved a custom solution. But the problem is it would cost a tremendous new outlay of money, and add a few crucial months to the release schedule.

In the end, I don't think the devs felt comfortable with that situation, and so a compromise was sought. In the end, we all basically agreed to give up the stick click aspect of the analog control. Otherwise things should be perfect. It's not so bad really - there are some valid arguments against stick click to be made too. Longterm durability being one of them. Check the poll threads to see how it all went down.
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CronoTriggerfan said:
Spadoof said:

I think you've been playing a bit to much MGS3 there, buddy... :rolleyes:
Mgs3 took place during the cold war :rolleyes: *So Smart* :rolleyes:

Mmhmm, so Russian military technology and manufacturing changed itself instantaneously. The Cold War started right after WWII. :lol:

Well actually the AK-47, which was made in 1947, was vastly more reliable than what the Americans had for the next 30 years. That's why in Vietnam some American troops would take their enemies AK-47s because they were far more reliable than their M-16s that kept jamming. The main downside was that from the sound of the shots you would get mistaken for a Viet by other Americans.

EDIT : Oops, looks like half a dozen people beat me to it. When I learn something from a video game's loading screen I should take it for common knowledge, lol.
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Prophet said:
Most of us, and devs included, would've loved a custom solution. But the problem is it would cost a tremendous new outlay of money, and add a few crucial months to the release schedule.

In the end, I don't think the devs felt comfortable with that situation, and so a compromise was sought. In the end, we all basically agreed to give up the stick click aspect of the analog control. Otherwise things should be perfect. It's not so bad really - there are some valid arguments against stick click to be made too. Longterm durability being one of them. Check the poll threads to see how it all went down.
Ouch, spend a single weekend away and miss a couple of polls, and you're out of the loop! Thanks for pointing them out Prophet :)
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Delay is very very very BAD!!!! :angry:

I think you should just put down a dual footprint on the pcb to accommodate the smaller analogue and the custom one that way when its done people can swap out the crappier one for the better. It shouldn't be to hard considering the size difference.

Any delay over a couple months for a consumer device is death! The users who want a UMPC will go away because something faster runing an Intel atom will come out or be introduced, making it easy to port x86 software.

For just the gaming and emulator crowd E3 is coming and who knows what kind of new hand held gaming devices M$, Sony, and Nintendo might announce. The big three are continuing to make their platforms easier and more cost effective to develop on, so people cries of "But the Pandora is Open" might become moot in the next iteration of platforms.

Release it on time with some plan for upgrading the nubs or face a dwindling market window, not to mention other parts might go obsolete while waiting for the nubs. Then the cries of "Vaporware" will become increasingly louder.

My 2 cents
Hay all,

The following is my opinion only, but I do not think analog sticks with centre click are better. I think whether or not the click is there is a design decision. I prefer not to have it. I would not vote against having it if it made no other difference, but I don't think that releasing a Pandora without this useless feature is anything less than doing it right. I hated these damn things on both PS1 and PS2.

Kevin_H said:
Delay is very very very BAD!!!! :angry:

I think you should just put down a dual footprint on the pcb to accommodate the smaller analogue and the custom one that way when its done people can swap out the crappier one for the better. It shouldn't be to hard considering the size difference.

Any delay over a couple months for a consumer device is death! The users who want a UMPC will go away because something faster runing an Intel atom will come out or be introduced, making it easy to port x86 software.

For just the gaming and emulator crowd E3 is coming and who knows what kind of new hand held gaming devices M$, Sony, and Nintendo might announce. The big three are continuing to make their platforms easier and more cost effective to develop on, so people cries of "But the Pandora is Open" might become moot in the next iteration of platforms.

Release it on time with some plan for upgrading the nubs or face a dwindling market window, not to mention other parts might go obsolete while waiting for the nubs. Then the cries of "Vaporware" will become increasingly louder.

My 2 cents
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
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Alright people. calm down. It'll be out sooner or later, as and when it's done. In the mean time, we should all stop arguing over whether it'll be out sooner or later. Or at least, stop arguing so loudly... I've got a headache here!
Tobriand said:
Alright people. calm down. It'll be out sooner or later, as and when it's done. In the mean time, we should all stop arguing over whether it'll be out sooner or later. Or at least, stop arguing so loudly... I've got a headache here!
Now nominating this thread be LOL'ed now... :lol:
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lubidog said:
Kevin_H said:
Delay is very very very BAD!!!! :angry:

I think you should just put down a dual footprint on the pcb to accommodate the smaller analogue and the custom one that way when its done people can swap out the crappier one for the better. It shouldn't be to hard considering the size difference.

Any delay over a couple months for a consumer device is death! The users who want a UMPC will go away because something faster runing an Intel atom will come out or be introduced, making it easy to port x86 software.

For just the gaming and emulator crowd E3 is coming and who knows what kind of new hand held gaming devices M$, Sony, and Nintendo might announce. The big three are continuing to make their platforms easier and more cost effective to develop on, so people cries of "But the Pandora is Open" might become moot in the next iteration of platforms.

Release it on time with some plan for upgrading the nubs or face a dwindling market window, not to mention other parts might go obsolete while waiting for the nubs. Then the cries of "Vaporware" will become increasingly louder.

My 2 cents
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.


I feel like I should be shouting "PRAISE JESUS!" after that.

-God Ginrai
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lubidog said:
Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
For the record, I for one can't wait until Christmas. Literally. I'm in the "I need something for September" camp. Pandora seems to fit everything I need, and a little bit more. If the Pandora cannot be in my hands by mid September, I'm going to have to go elsewhere for a different device that, while not as cool, still suits my needs sufficiently.
That being said, I'm perfectly content to wait until mid-August, the last possible moment that I might have to receive a preorder in time, before I begin looking. On the other hand, if someone could say "there's no chance of the Pandora being in your hands by September" then it would save me a lot of time and headache in that I could start researching other devices now instead of last minute. This doesn't preclude me from getting a Pandora later on, it just means I'll have a different gizmo as well, possibly to be sold on E-bay when the Pandora does eventually come out, but I'd like to avoid that.
And that's why I'm eager about the release date. I don't want a "it will be out by this date". I'm curious about a "it will be out no sooner than this date". Of course, a lot of people get those two confused unfortunately, and when the date does slip slightly as inevitably happens with projects like this, great complaints will be raised I'm sure. And that's why it's better to keep tight about such things.
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lubidog said:
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
I didn't say anything about releasing the Pandora at E3, that would be just plain stupid. I said that "maybe" the big 3 companies might have announcements then that would make the Pandora obsolete.

Second I don't see what the big deal is about releasing it with the crappy nubs first is: this device is not for 10 yr old DS users most people interested in using this product can use a soldering iron or at least find someone who can.

I love how people keep saying to be patient and it will come out when its ready, but the fact is the next big thing is right around the corner in consumer electronics always, and these people will jump off the wagon and start salivating over it. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a finite window for releasing a consumer product should go back to school and learn a thing or two.

I hope the team realizes that the industry is heading towards devices like the Pandora look at all the net books and smart phones, and gaming devices that are gradually stepping on each others turf.
Once the big names start to play you could all but kiss any profit good-bye.

I'm not trying to be negative I love the Pandora and would like to get one but I'm just being realistic about the time frame.
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Guys, don't panic! Craigix said that without the hiccups pre-orders would have been taken at the end of the month. He also said that there would be no major delay if they don't make custom nubs. It still seems very likely that the Pandora will be out in August.
Kevin_H said:
I love how people keep saying to be patient and it will come out when its ready, but the fact is the next big thing is right around the corner in consumer electronics always, and these people will jump off the wagon and start salivating over it. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a finite window for releasing a consumer product should go back to school and learn a thing or two.
Well I might not be the typical customer (for whom is what you write is certanly correct), but for me it's the gaming controlls, coupled with a "fast enough" CPU/GPU and most importantly the open Linux environment which lets me do what *I* want with the device.
I don't see a similar device on the market in the past (except for the GP2X to some extent) and neither in the future. And I don't expect there will (ever?) be one except for the Pandora.
Thus a few months delay really don't matter that much to me at all (if it is really needed), and I expect that a substancial amount of the members of this community / percentage of the first 3000 customers think the same.

Basicly it's the "Linux people"... and they are used to wait for Linux ports of games a loong time anyways (Unreal Tournament 3 :( ).
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Kevin_H said:
lubidog said:
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
I didn't say anything about releasing the Pandora at E3, that would be just plain stupid. I said that "maybe" the big 3 companies might have announcements then that would make the Pandora obsolete.

Second I don't see what the big deal is about releasing it with the crappy nubs first is: this device is not for 10 yr old DS users most people interested in using this product can use a soldering iron or at least find someone who can.

I love how people keep saying to be patient and it will come out when its ready, but the fact is the next big thing is right around the corner in consumer electronics always, and these people will jump off the wagon and start salivating over it. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a finite window for releasing a consumer product should go back to school and learn a thing or two.

I hope the team realizes that the industry is heading towards devices like the Pandora look at all the net books and smart phones, and gaming devices that are gradually stepping on each others turf.
Once the big names start to play you could all but kiss any profit good-bye.

I'm not trying to be negative I love the Pandora and would like to get one but I'm just being realistic about the time frame.

WHAT? You seriously want to sell this thing with the proviso that in a little while the user must butcher the thing open and get soldering???

I am sorry, but you are crazy.

And read through the threads about what happened last time some handheld was released with crappy gaming controls. IT WAS AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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