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1mm clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls
2mm non-clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls

If no one had said anything - and they just went with the 1mm clickies - nobody would have bitched. No one would have noticed. You are all throwing a shit fit over 1 f'ing millimeter.
lubidog said:
Kevin_H said:
lubidog said:
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
I didn't say anything about releasing the Pandora at E3, that would be just plain stupid. I said that "maybe" the big 3 companies might have announcements then that would make the Pandora obsolete.

Second I don't see what the big deal is about releasing it with the crappy nubs first is: this device is not for 10 yr old DS users most people interested in using this product can use a soldering iron or at least find someone who can.

I love how people keep saying to be patient and it will come out when its ready, but the fact is the next big thing is right around the corner in consumer electronics always, and these people will jump off the wagon and start salivating over it. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a finite window for releasing a consumer product should go back to school and learn a thing or two.

I hope the team realizes that the industry is heading towards devices like the Pandora look at all the net books and smart phones, and gaming devices that are gradually stepping on each others turf.
Once the big names start to play you could all but kiss any profit good-bye.

I'm not trying to be negative I love the Pandora and would like to get one but I'm just being realistic about the time frame.

WHAT? You seriously want to sell this thing with the proviso that in a little while the user must butcher the thing open and get soldering???

I am sorry, but you are crazy.

And read through the threads about what happened last time some handheld was released with crappy gaming controls. IT WAS AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This device is so much more than a gaming device. And I think most people around here if they wanted a device strictly for gaming would get a PSP or DS or probably already have one. This argument is pointless anyway because it looks like in the other thread they're going with an analog that will work that doesn't have a center click.

I'm being realistic here again, the gaming potential of this device will probably only emulate consoles 10+ years old of which only 2 need an analog stick, so whats the point in delaying a product that for a feature that will probably rarely be needed
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chad78 said:
1mm clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls
2mm non-clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls

If no one had said anything - and they just went with the 1mm clickies - nobody would have bitched. No one would have noticed. You are all throwing a shit fit over 1 f'ing millimeter.
Watch your language and don't profess to speak for others.

You're in the 10% minority, and from the way you're acting, it is obvious that you just can't accept it.
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chad78 said:
1mm clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls
2mm non-clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls

If no one had said anything - and they just went with the 1mm clickies - nobody would have bitched. No one would have noticed. You are all throwing a shit fit over 1 f'ing millimeter.
You can look at it as a mere 1mm difference, or you can look at it as a 100% increase in travel.

I can assure you that anyone who has seen the original nubs, would notice the difference on the final unit. The Pandora team has done the right thing in opening up the discussion.
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Gruso said:
chad78 said:
1mm clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls
2mm non-clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls

If no one had said anything - and they just went with the 1mm clickies - nobody would have bitched. No one would have noticed. You are all throwing a shit fit over 1 f'ing millimeter.
You can look at it as a mere 1mm difference, or you can look at it as a 100% increase in travel.
300% increase, actually.

1mm = 1/4th of 2mm
1mm = 4/25th of 2.5mm

chad78 said:
Esn said:
Watch your language and don't profess to speak for others.

Get over yourself and don't profess to speak for others.

Show me one place where I professed to speak for others. Your retort isn't even factual.
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Kevin_H said:
I'm being realistic here again, the gaming potential of this device will probably only emulate consoles 10+ years old of which only 2 need an analog stick, so whats the point in delaying a product that for a feature that will probably rarely be needed
Realistic, eh... If all you've got is a hammer...

The reality is, there's a bunch of indie game studios and publishers at least passively interested in the Pandora for it's potential. I'm gunning for three initial titles from LGP's lineup to see where it goes. There's others.

Selling it just for the emulation aspect is selling the unit short- it's also about homebrew and indie dev as well.
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Esn said:
Watch your language and don't profess to speak for others.
I'd advise you to do the same thing...


You're in the 10% minority, and from the way you're acting, it is obvious that you just can't accept it.

Got proof he's in the minority? No? Hush.

I think we all need to cool our effin' jets here boys and girls. We're getting a bit bent out of shape over silly stuff really.

Kevin_H said:
Second I don't see what the big deal is about releasing it with the crappy nubs first is: this device is not for 10 yr old DS users most people interested in using this product can use a soldering iron or at least find someone who can.
And, for the record, soldering onto what is intrinsically, a surface mount board, is a bitch, from personal experience, without the right gear. Releasing it with mediocre nubs would be acceptable. Releasing it with crappy ones is unforgivable no matter how you slice it- even if the crowd's the soldering type. ;)
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I really don't give a damn, a 1mm nub will not make a difference for the majority of games anyone will play (don't even try to say otherwise, because it's the truth). A 2mm nub is better for tighter controls, but jeez, no need to be so flippant about it. It's an analog nub, get over it.

Besides, the poll's already been run, and the devs will factor that into their decision making as best they can. They seem to have made good decisions about this thing so far, so just shut up and let them do what they think is best. long as what is best gets me a Pandora by September. :D

And Svartalf, I'd agree that releasing crappy nubs is inexcusable, but neither of the choices offered are crappy, IMO. They're just not what people originally expected, so they're crying about it. And SMD soldering isn't that tough unless you're a n00b! :lol:
Trust me, you would notice a 1mm travel stick considerably, and there would be huge complaints from the gaming sector.

I can't imagine too many people really complaining about no stick-click once it's released. It never worked out too well on the GP2X, and the PSP doesn't even have one yet has official PS1 emulation that you (are supposed to) pay for.

I'm more concerned that they get the cap right now... (well, not concerned, I trust they will do a better job than any mainstream company has so far)
Svartalf said:
I think we all need to cool our effin' jets here boys and girls. We're getting a bit bent out of shape over silly stuff really.
Agreed. I don't want to close this thread, since there is some constructive conversation taking place. But it's definitely a little on the heated side at the moment. Making points is fine, but please refrain from arguing, or at least, from arguing at the slightly overly intense level it's currently at.

The fact is, we know it's going to take one of two directions, and if they go with the poll, it'll be the 2mm option. Beyond the poll, though, it's out of our hands.
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Kevin_H said:
lubidog said:
Okay, this will seem like flaming but I am really fed up off coming here and reading posts by impatient children wanting their toys now! Again, I remind you to read the furor about the GP2x release...

Do you really, honestly believe that the best marketing strategy for this device is to release a gaming, a GAMING device with inferior gaming controls??? And at E3 of all places?????????? And then flog it with the promise of "Yes, we know it isn't good. But when we get something better you can perform a mod yourself or send it back to us etc.?????" Especially if, and I don't believe for one moment they will be, Sony Microsoft or Nintendo will be releasing new, polished hardware??????

Who cares if some people cry Vapourware Really, who cares? We know it isnt and when the world sees it out there with great controls will know it too. This product will only sell on the strength of how good it actually is, not on brand name. And why is the marketing dwindling? Got any market research to support this???

Just get it absolutely right with the hardware before you bring it out. I do not want the frustration again of the GP2x. Ignore these fools who can't wait till Christmas.
I didn't say anything about releasing the Pandora at E3, that would be just plain stupid. I said that "maybe" the big 3 companies might have announcements then that would make the Pandora obsolete.

Second I don't see what the big deal is about releasing it with the crappy nubs first is: this device is not for 10 yr old DS users most people interested in using this product can use a soldering iron or at least find someone who can.

I love how people keep saying to be patient and it will come out when its ready, but the fact is the next big thing is right around the corner in consumer electronics always, and these people will jump off the wagon and start salivating over it. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a finite window for releasing a consumer product should go back to school and learn a thing or two.

I hope the team realizes that the industry is heading towards devices like the Pandora look at all the net books and smart phones, and gaming devices that are gradually stepping on each others turf.
Once the big names start to play you could all but kiss any profit good-bye.

I'm not trying to be negative I love the Pandora and would like to get one but I'm just being realistic about the time frame.

First, who cares if there's a next big thing right around the corner? The window won't close for the Pandora as long as there's no direct competition. We shouldn't worry about smart phones, laptops, UMPC's, net books, iPhone, EEEPc, etc, because they are nothing like the Pandora. They are not open source gaming handhelds.

Second, the industry isn't heading towards devices like the Pandora. There's no commercial interest in open source gaming. Sony, Apple, Microsoft, etc are totally locked in their licensing schemes and would never consider this. And this is why the Pandora was thought of in the first place. It is the best open source gaming handheld for the forseeable future.
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Svartalf said:
Esn said:
You're in the 10% minority, and from the way you're acting, it is obvious that you just can't accept it.
Got proof he's in the minority? No? Hush.

Yep, here (9.61% currently)...

chad78 said:
--- and for those asking who the click nub people are - *raises hand*

As someone more interested in UMPCing than gaming (and yes, ultra mobile personal computing is a perfectly good verb), the clicks make perfect sense for mouse clicks - you've even got a right and a left.
And I speak only for myself when I say that his recent "no one would give a shit fit if it stayed as 1mm" comments in this thread seemed to me like an attempt to make it appear like he was speaking for the "silent majority".
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Iorgy77 said:
This has worked out well, the delay is going to weed out the impatient gimmie gimmie kids we dont want in this scene anyways.

Well if you've read the poll as of late, MWeston has stated no further delays are expected, and the ones that will occur are minimal. So meh. :P
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chad78 said:
1mm clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls
2mm non-clicky nubs ≠ crappy gaming controls

If no one had said anything - and they just went with the 1mm clickies - nobody would have bitched. No one would have noticed. You are all throwing a shit fit over 1 f'ing millimeter.
All the N64, PSX, and FPS-playin' gamers would have been bitching from day one about 1mm. And you try to play some of the more button-happy N64 games with no triggers and no stick clicks to replace such lack of triggers, and then tell me that this will all work out fine and dandy. You're the one "throwing a shit" here anyways.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
And you try to play some of the more button-happy N64 games with no triggers and no stick clicks to replace such lack of triggers, and then tell me that this will all work out fine and dandy.
Think about that for a second. At most the N64 required (1 x Dpad OR 1 x analogue stick) + 2 regular face buttons + 4 C-buttons + Start button + (2 shoulder buttons OR 1 shoulder + Z trigger).

The Pandora can cover any game by either mapping the C-buttons to the 2nd analogue stick or a combination of face buttons and nearby keys for less-used buttons. From memory, I can't think of a single N64 game which wouldn't be easily playable on Pandora -- please tell me of any that I'm missing?
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GunPei2X said:
God Ginrai said:
And you try to play some of the more button-happy N64 games with no triggers and no stick clicks to replace such lack of triggers, and then tell me that this will all work out fine and dandy.
Think about that for a second. At most the N64 required (1 x Dpad OR 1 x analogue stick) + 2 regular face buttons + 4 C-buttons + Start button + (2 shoulder buttons OR 1 shoulder + Z trigger).

The Pandora can cover any game by either mapping the C-buttons to the 2nd analogue stick or a combination of face buttons and nearby keys for less-used buttons. From memory, I can't think of a single N64 game which wouldn't be easily playable on Pandora -- please tell me of any that I'm missing?


D-Pad used for D-Pad duh
Left Analog for Analog
Right Analog for C-buttons
Any combination of 2 buttons for A+B
L for Z(since barly any games use L)
R for R
Start for Start
Select for Select
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CronoTriggerfan said:
I really don't give a damn, a 1mm nub will not make a difference for the majority of games anyone will play (don't even try to say otherwise, because it's the truth).

I couldn't disagree with this more if you had said that Scientology was a good idea :huh:

I've got a GP2X for emulation. The Pandora to me means that more open source games can be ported that couldn't work on the 2X because they rely on 3D hardware and better controls than a joypad.
Most of the best open source games can be placed within 4 categories, FPS, RTS, SHUMPS and PUZZLE games.

Puzzle games don't normally need 3D so most of them have been ported to the 2X anyway and work fine with a joypad.

First person shooters play best on consoles with decent joysticks. Better targeting is essential for these games to be enjoyable.

Realtime Strategies play best on a console with a decent joystick. Better joystick means easier selection of units which is critical to game play.

and guess what.. shoot'em ups play best on a console with a decent joystick, as it's easier to dodge all the bullets flying around the screen.

As far as I'm concerned, that's the truth <_<
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