Prophet said:While I'm coming from a different angle, I can understand why people see $320 as "high" - they can get a PSP for half that amount, and have both homebrew and a commercial game library at hand (illegally). Although Pandora will do the homebrew angle way better, and have better emulators, and also much more flexibility (keyboard, touch screen etc.), not everyone will feel that's worth twice the price.
Well, the homebrew angel might be to Pandoras advantage, but people don't complain much about the PSP emulators, and the illegal aspect remains with the Pandora. It's not like its legal to download, and play roms for most, or any commercial console. There are a few exceptions of course, but we all know that emulators are made to play games your not really allowed to play.
Or, with a Pandora Battery, you could play all those games and emulators without needing a soldering iron And what did you think the 5 mins were for? Making a pandora battery, offcourse. Cut a trace, it's a pandora, solder the wire, and its a regular battery again.Squidge said:QUOTE
You would have to be really persuasive to get me to buy a PSP for 55euro, which i in 5 mins with a razorblade, a soldering iron, and 7mm of wire can make play copies of retail games, and a wide array of emulators. This, thing, is overpriced already.
It's not like anyone has one laying around and buying one, seams to be a less cheap option.
nubie said:PSP is not competition, people mistakenly assume because it sort of has a screen (my unit had a frigging blurry mess that Sony calls a screen, as does every unit I have ever tried) and it can sometimes run "other" software that it is similar.
Odd. You checked yourself for a root kit? Seams you have an odd case of blurry vision. None of the PSP's i've seen had blurry imaging, unless there was motion blur in the game.
nubie said:IT ISN'T. No support for USB host, no SD cards, frigging heavy (I haven't tried a lite, but it doesn't fix anything but the weight, possibly the screen, and is even more expensive), controls suck big time. (and I love PSX pads, I play my GameCube, PC, and Xbox games with my PSX pad)
This will absolutely connect to any USB device (HID/Mass storage should work out of the box), and has two usable analogs.
I'm glad you like the Panda, and your aparently going to be bringing it, and 2 PSX gamepads with you everywhere, but i really dont need the USB host features for anything exept possibly adding more storage, and i can just as well swap a memory stick. Memory stick, SD card, or any other odd format, is all the same to me, just get a "4 in 1" reader, and it reads all the regular formats, and most the unregular once aswell. It for sure covers both memorystick, and SD cards. And, of course. The handheld you pick will work great as a card reader for the format you need.
Prophet said:I agree with you that Pandora is actually very different, and in many respects, far superior, to the PSP. However to some people, who might ONLY be looking at the Pandora as an emulation box, the much cheaper PSP could look like the better value.
I've said it b4, and i'll probably say it again. The inside is great. the packaging, for my needs, and intentions, suck. The Panda would be a great handheld for games, and music, if made with that in focus. Now, in my opinion its trying hard to be a eeePC, a UMPC, or any other odd letter combination you can come up with, and falls short of it's heritage. I hope the first few batches sell great, and spark lots of devs creating games, emus, and homebrew soft, gets people to join the forum, who request a few "fixes" such as a lower price, simpler design, and a more honest focus on gaming and portable music. Lower price, simply by making it a table top, without a keyboard, more honest focus on gaming and music by redesigning the gaming controls so they aren't usable" but spot on perfect.
Then, and only then, I'll buy one. I'm already looking forward to seeing the softwares being released, and i really wanna see all the softwares that people claim just have to have a keyboard, coz i just don't see it. While i wait, I'll keep looking for the rumored Gampark next gen console, and see what it is all about when it comes out. First to fullfill my needs, gets a sale, it's that easy.
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