Pandora Price Increase!

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Tripmonkey_uk said:
It's common sense??

Eds argument only stands if Craig didn't break the law to start off with. But he did.

EDIT: In reply to Twiitcher and Schnatterplatsch before ED answered.

There's the 'letter of the law' and there's the 'spirit of the law'. i.e. no passing allowed on the right on divided highways... however if there is an accident blocking the leftmost 2 of 4 lanes, then perhaps we should allow passing on the right so traffic can continue to flow. If you were managing the situation no one would be allowed to move because there was traffic in the 2 leftmost lands hence they would be 'violating the law' by passing on the right.

again just sayin.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
It's common sense??

Eds argument only stands if Craig didn't break the law to start off with. But he did.

EDIT: In reply to Twiitcher and Schnatterplatsch before ED answered.

since you seem so insitent on the law being broken, do something about it or give me the letter of the law, where it was broken and i'll take it up and bring this to an end.
man up or shut up whining like a small child. things are as they are and you whining like a child isnt going to help.
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EvilDragon said:
Yes, and then second batchers would get first batch units as well, despite not having waited two years.

Besides, 7 out of 10 premium units (at least in my shop) where first batch preorderers who upgraded, so they already waited but decided to put in a little extra money to help us and get their unit a tad faster...
Second batchers being moved up the list to fill empty spots in batch one would have been fine as they have been waiting too. I also don't have as much of a problem with people who already had a pre-order upgrading. Letting brand new customers jump in front of first and second batchers who have been waiting is completely different and I find it very worrying that you can't seem to understand the difference :(

EvilDragon said:
So, how much % of the full amount of preorderers is that? As a lot of first-batch preorderers upgraded, they seem to want to support us.
So it doesn't matter to you at all and you feel justified in what's happened because most people wont be affected by it? What about the people that it does effect?

And what about people who have stood by you and want to upgrade but can't afford it. Should they just be forgotten about because they don't have the money?

EvilDragon said:
Ask the question to which exactly you want an answer and I will give it as good as I can. But stop moving around in circles, please.
Actually your the one moving in circles by bringing up the following stuff that has nothing at all to do with what were talking about.. yet again..

EvilDragon said:
So, let me sum up:
For everyone who backs off and gets the money back, the preorder queue should move forward by one person.
If too many cancel because it takes too long, the money is lost, the company goes bust, and the remaining of the waiting and supporting community will neither get their money back nor a Pandora.

That's actually what you want?
Don't forget that there's not much money on our bank accounts - it's been used to pay the parts (as said from the very beginning), and you can't simply give the parts back for a user who cancels...

With the Premium Units, more people had been hired which took care of speeding up assembly, sorting out bad units, etc. and by selling another Premium unit for everyone who backs off, it is assured that the company will not run out of money and production and delivery continues, as well as the users who cancel will get their money back.

Yes, legally, the latter one might not be 100% okay, but I'm not sure if 2000 of the guys who also paid and preordered would agree with you getting nothing instead when too many decide to cancel.

So Craig might be at a legal fault, but I would not say it's a fault to the whole project.
No I don't want the project to fail, I feel that I've made that point pretty clear more than once on this thread alone.

I find it strange that your point of view has changed so completely within the last 4-5 pages of this thread but your still trying to make me out to be wrong.

You've gone from saying that you agreed with what Craig did and that there was nothing wrong with it, to admitting that "Yes, legally, the latter one might not be 100% okay" and "so Craig might be at a legal fault" and saying that "you are not responsible for anything Craig does" and that you weren't too happy with what he did yourself.
And people are tying to make out that my arguments don't make sense :huh:

EvilDragon said:
You're twisting my words around again.
I never said YOU shouldn't know and ask how many people Craig hired.
I said I don't know that and have no real reason to ask Craig.
I'm not twisting your words at all, I even quoted you.
You tried to use Amazon to get your point across but Amazon and OpenPandora are run in completely different ways and aren't even the same type of company.

I'm going to leave it at that. After your point of view has changed so dramatically, I really don't see how you can continue to argue with anyone without changing the facts to suit your side of the argument. As far as I'm concerned I've got my point across.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
Twiitcher said:

Just Sayin
How haven't I?
All you've got across is that you're out to bore us all to death. I guess most people have stopped reading what you say cause it's kind of getting repetitive. Remind us, is it the extra week that you have to wait, or the fact that you can't sell your units on ebay for a big profit any more that is your raison de rant?
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tsh said:
All you've got across is that you're out to bore us all to death. I guess most people have stopped reading what you say cause it's kind of getting repetitive. Remind us, is it the extra week that you have to wait, or the fact that you can't sell your units on ebay for a big profit any more that is your raison de rant?
Ah! more personal attacks from people on the forum with no constructive arguments. Thanks for proving me right about that.

Why would I sell my Pandora when I get it? I didn't order one just to sell it when it arrived unlike a lot of other people.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
Twiitcher said:

Just Sayin
How haven't I?

You've "stated" your point, 'making' your point is open to debate, but I don't think so. You 'make' the point "or, think you have" that something wrong was done - I don't agree that anything wrong was done, point stated not made.

I also don't believe you're anywhere close to the spirit of this device or the community around it. So you've stated your many convoluted points with a definite skew towards meticulous details that, in my opinion, add nothing to the process taking place. Stating your point, perhaps... clearly and accurately, not. Making 'your' point, definately not. All I got was someone complaining and digging their heels in and totally missing the spirit of the Pandora, it's production and the community.

A small analogy of how I percieve your debating style / attitude.

me - the guy fell 2000 feet off a building to his death.
you - That's not accurate - he fell 2005 feet to his death, you're WRONG and I just wanted to correct you, perhaps you should ammend your post and apologize for providing in-accurate information to the community. As a matter of fact I believe you intentional skewed the information and that extra 5 feet you didn't specify must benefit you in some way and I'm offended by that. Do you work for the life insurance company and do they only provide coverage for falls <2000 ft? Because that's the only reason I can imagine you would do such a terrible thing as report that information inaccurately.

This is the spirit of your arguments, in my opinion, you 'may' be correct about the extra 5 feet but most people have no concern about that extra 5 feet, the discussion about the extra 5 feet to be continued endlessly,'how did you measure the distance', was that distance validated by a dis-interested 3rd party?, the fall didn't kill him, the sudden stop did, perhaps he died of a heart attack on the way down, ect... but none of that is necessary. The guy fell off a high building and died is all that is relevant.

/sigh.... tired

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Twiitcher said:
I also don't believe you're anywhere close to the spirit of this device or the community around it. So you've stated your many convoluted points with a definite skew towards meticulous details that, in my opinion, add nothing to the process taking place. Stating your point, perhaps... clearly and accurately, not. Making 'your' point, definately not. All I got was someone complaining and digging their heels in and totally missing the spirit of the Pandora, it's production and the community.
Really? feel free to point me towards these so called "convoluted points with a definite skew towards meticulous details".
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No I don't want the project to fail, I feel that I've made that point pretty clear more than once on this thread alone.

So STFU and let ED do his work. Atm you are delaying my Pandora with stupid questions.
Tripmonkey_uk said:
EvilDragon said:
Yes, and then second batchers would get first batch units as well, despite not having waited two years.
Besides, 7 out of 10 premium units (at least in my shop) where first batch preorderers who upgraded, so they already waited but decided to put in a little extra money to help us and get their unit a tad faster...
Second batchers being moved up the list to fill empty spots in batch one would have been fine as they have been waiting too. I also don't have as much of a problem with people who already had a pre-order upgrading. Letting brand new customers jump in front of first and second batchers who have been waiting is completely different and I find it very worrying that you can't seem to understand the difference :(

Sure I know the difference. There are many things I don't like, however, understand that they have to be done.
This seems to be different from your point of you: You see it happened, and while you kinda seem to have understood it needed to be done to continue the project, you still seem to try to tell us we did wrong here.

EvilDragon said:
So, how much % of the full amount of preorderers is that? As a lot of first-batch preorderers upgraded, they seem to want to support us.
So it doesn't matter to you at all and you feel justified in what's happened because most people wont be affected by it? What about the people that it does effect?
And what about people who have stood by you and want to upgrade but can't afford it. Should they just be forgotten about because they don't have the money?

How many times do I have to tell that I am not HAPPY about that it had to be done, but do understand that it HAS to be done.

I do care a lot about the people - that's why I think what Craig did was the right thing.
He hired more people, so assembly was faster. So those premium orders sped up the delivery for the current normal orders as well.

The risk that things needed even longer and Craigs Company would go bust because too many cancel was there, and that would've meant that NO ONE, no single preorder would get neither Pandora nor money back.

So we've got too choices here: Safety with Premium Pandoras, which would not even cause delays for normal orders, or continue to build the units at a slower pace, with the risk that the company goes bust and no one will get anything.

Sorry, but the choice is obvious if you CARE about the users.

But even if it would've caused delays:
You rather would not get your unit nor your money back than having to wait 2 weeks longer?

EvilDragon said:
Ask the question to which exactly you want an answer and I will give it as good as I can. But stop moving around in circles, please.
Actually your the one moving in circles by bringing up the following stuff that has nothing at all to do with what were talking about.. yet again..

Nope. I asked for a question here which you didn't provide me.
At least, I cannot see any questions here.

No I don't want the project to fail, I feel that I've made that point pretty clear more than once on this thread alone.
I find it strange that your point of view has changed so completely within the last 4-5 pages of this thread but your still trying to make me out to be wrong.
You've gone from saying that you agreed with what Craig did and that there was nothing wrong with it, to admitting that "Yes, legally, the latter one might not be 100% okay" and "so Craig might be at a legal fault" and saying that "you are not responsible for anything Craig does" and that you weren't too happy with what he did yourself.

Sorry, but I've never changed my point of view.

From the very beginning I stated that:

1. I never was HAPPY about that, but I AGREE to do it if it is necessary. Easy.
2. I didn't see it from a legal point of view, when I said it's okay what he did, but from a logical point of view. I still think it was the correct thing to do to continue with the project, even if what Craig did was against the law.
3. I never said anywhere I am responsible if Craig does something to break the law, did I? Nothing changed here.

My opinions have never changed here, maybe you didn't understand that I always use two different views:

a) The legal view
B) The human view

In some countries there are laws that allow you to kill women if they cheat their husband.
Can't say I agree with those, so with B) I'd say they shouldn't have killed that woman, but with a) I'd have to say she broke the law in her country.

It's the same here, and I always try to be on the HUMAN side of life.

And people are tying to make out that my arguments don't make sense :huh:

EvilDragon said:
I'm going to leave it at that. After your point of view has changed so dramatically, I really don't see how you can continue to argue with anyone without changing the facts to suit your side of the argument. As far as I'm concerned I've got my point across.


1. I never changed my point of view, as explained above.
2. You never asked a direct question, even though I told you in my last post to do so (also see above).

So, if you want answers, make direct questions I can answer.
And if you think I changed my point of view, tell me where I did that.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
chaosfx said:
So STFU and let ED do his work. Atm you are delaying my Pandora with stupid questions.
How am I delaying it exactly? They can't make up any more units until they get more boards next week.

Well, I am in fact assembling units right now here at home, as I took 20 for this weekend with me (I still have 60 where I didn't have the time to do so).
Just going to my PC every half an hour to check out.
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Well, I am in fact assembling units right now here at home, as I took 20 for this weekend with me (I still have 60 where I didn't have the time to do so).

There you have it. Now **** **, ahem, be quiet please. You are delaying.
Can I just say that it's difficult to take a man seriously when he consistently confuses "affect" with "effect"?

In all honesty, I was in Mr Monkey's position not so long ago - convinced that there is some global conspiracy headed up by Craig, that OPT were up to no good, that all the evil in the world did indeed flow from EvilDragon's fingers... Then I got a Pandora. It's wonderful and now OPT can do no wrong in my eyes - well, I've got mine, so who the hell cares, eh?

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to Mr Monkey's inevitable change of heart when he gets his Panda. Oh, and when learns how to use an apostrophe properly. That will truly make my day.

D. main gripe with the Premium Pandoras was that existing customers should have been given first refusal.

I have seen nothing that states the cost of upgrading.

The other thing is that we now have no idea what is happening regarding moving through the main order queue (Craig's) - a few weeks ago it appearred that it was 950-1000 but now it appears not to have moved at all.

Craig should be open and honest and just say - loads of RMAs and some premiums - not alot of others going out - or that this week we did 800 - 900 etc.

I cannot see the problem or difficulty in doing this - if they were all being built and sent out over a short period then fair enough the argument of its a pain and time wasting to do this but that is definately not the case.

It would keep everyone happy and would give us a handle on whether upgading to a premium would be beneficial.

If I had known that today my Pandora was still well off then I would have upgraded immediately.

I don't post often but when threads like this turn up I often thought about throwing my 2 penneth in but never bothered until now.

I wish people would just STFU and let them get on with it I honestly do. YES I preordered on the first day. YES I have had my Pandora for about a month now and YES I love it. Even if it hadn't arrived yet, premium orders or not, I would still be quite happy to sit here and wait for it knowing that it will arrive.

I was eager, I thought it would arrive six months after I bought it but it wasn't to be due to delays. After that I was a bit miffed but decided it will come when it comes and stuck it to the back of my mind. It's honestly worth waiting for and no amount of moaning will make it arrive any quicker. In fact, any moaning at all is pretty damn selfish and disrespectful. Let's look at the facts :

1) These guys have put their jobs, livelihoods, houses and business on the line. Yes, they didn't have to but they did. All this to create a handheld that was wanted by *you*

2) OpenPandora is not Nintendo. Quick Wiki shows Nintendo has a turnover of $85 Billion and who knows how many employees all over the world. How many at OP? 5? 6?

3) If you weren't prepared to stick it out for the long haul then you shouldn't have pre-ordered. Simple as.
I'm not even going to try quoting :blink:

The 2 things I see that should be addressed:
1: What, exactly, is the law that was broken? This should not be a reference to a news article describing a similar event but the actual law, since news often summarizes or gets some details wrong. I'm not saying you have to prove that they broke this law, but just list the actual law you think they broke.
Also consider what ED said about legal vs moral: sometimes, the right thing to do is not technically the legal thing to do

2: If you want craig to reply to you at all, you'll probably have to go to that 'ask craig' board that was posted.
From what I understand he left because something he said was altered by a mod and was given no 'mod edit' or similar marking, and it was made to look like he actually said it. You can't run a business when someone has the power to alter your statements like that... Imagine if he made the Premium announcement here, and it was edited to say that it WOULD slow down the original orders, but tough luck? Thats the sort of thing he was worried about, so he left.
My info might be wrong, since by craig's own will he wanted to cause as little trouble as he could with what he did, and therefore avoided talking about the whole thing
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