Ouya - Android based open gaming console

^ They probably won't cover you under warranty for HW mods though, that is a different story.  

In relation though to the board being easily removed and replaced, you don't design  like they have in the DEV console without it being your strategy to enable that to happen.  If they were to make it hard to replace , that would be a strategic change, I can't see that happening.
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^ They probably won't cover you under warranty for HW mods though, that is a different story.  

In relation though to the board being easily removed and replaced, you don't design  like they have in the DEV console without it being your strategy to enable that to happen.  If they were to make it hard to replace , that would be a strategic change, I can't see that happening.
even if the board is easy to remove, the stock case(I can see aftermarket casings) doesn't really have alot of space...
^ I wouldn't be worried about the space for a while yet.  Remember they fit all that and more on PC Sticks which are much smaller.
Well , here's your answer to when the next Ouya will come out. Julia says a new one will come out each year(Tegra 4 anyone?). Although judging by the reaction, I wouldn't be surprised they change there mind on that.

See story here: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/07/ouya-annual/
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Interesting stuff, if the annual upgrade could also be just a case of swapping out the PCB, then they could well be on to something with that model. Wonder if they will ship in March?
^^^^yeah backers first.they get to test software and provide feedback before the commercial launch.
Devs got their Ouyas a while back and made feedback on it.  They changed a couple of minor things for the up coming KS sendout based on the Devs comments. I doubt there will be much if any HW changes following the KS general release this month that wasn't already picked up by the Devs.  Software might be a different story.
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I pre ordered one too, what pushed me over the edge to get one is the fact that i can use a ps3 controller on it.

I am getting it mainly for emulation.
It seems that the OUYA requires credit card informations stored in their apps thingy, even for just downloading the Demos of each game. Hmm, I wonder how the OUYA will work outside of the USA, for example, here in Germany, not many people have a Credit Card at all. And especialy not younger people.
^ Don't itunes and the app stores require accounts with require credit card details?. I'd imagine they went for the same thing.

How else would you pay for online content ? Paypal linked to a bank account?
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If I get one I'll most likely dump what ever default Android OS they have on it.
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^ Don't itunes and the app stores require accounts with require credit card details?. I'd imagine they went for the same thing.

How else would you pay for online content ? Paypal linked to a bank account?
I don't have an Credit Card and I don't use any iTunes or Paypal. If I buy something over Amazon, I ask a friend with an account. I pay him the price and he orders the stuff I want, you can have separate delivery and bill adresses in Amazon, pretty practical. :)

So, for an online boy, I'm pretty much "offline" and private, nothing is linked to my bank account or deeper personal data and I'm pretty happy with that. ^^

OUYA may offer and accept some "paysave" like cards to buy stuff, nice idea and also pretty much anonymus, this could be a way to buy there if you don't have a credit card.
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