Well, I had one of those broken nubs/case/shoulderbuttons pandoras now waiting for it to be repaired. I hope at least some of the new 350 go to replace broken units, if repairement isn't in sight within the next 2 or 3 weeks. But from how silent it is around that I fear that this won't be the case and I also fear that the argument will be "You got your pandora, so please be quiet now"... time will show more.
Sometimes I feel like I just have been betatester with my unit. I mean: How the hell did those soulderbuttons get through a minimum of a quality check? How did they burst the screws into the case that the threads broke? Not speaking of the nubs and the general flaws the case has.
What I got for my money was definitly not what I waited 2 years long, so I'm still waiting to get delivered and because of my ordernumber I should be one of those 350... But we'll see (or not).
But, with all angriness, it is good to see new pandoras getting out, no matter who gets them.