Nk Qtopia For Gp2x

Could someone put up a step by step guide on how to get qutopia to connect to the internet through the usbnet connection. Because i can't get this thing set up

Thanks, Andrew
qtopia 2.2 needs libjpeg.so.62

I don't have it.


I have it now!
I have compiled libjpeg and now qtopia 2.2 is working 100%.

Just do something like (as root):

mkdir /mnt/qtopia
mount -t cramfs -o loop qtopia2.img /mnt/qtopia
cp -a /mnt/qtopia ~/qtopia
--put libjpeg.so.62 in lib dir--
mkcramfs ~/qtopia qtopia2.img

and use this new qtopia2.img file, works fine.

PS: I don't know how to attach files, if someone tell me, I can upload the libjpeg.so.62 file I have compiled.
i dont think you can attach files here...
you have to upload it somewhere..
if you send it me nils.thiele(at)gmx.de i can upload it on my webspace.
Sonic-NKT posted on Apr 11 2006 at 11:52 PM said:
i dont think you can attach files here...
you have to upload it somewhere..
if you send it me nils.thiele(at)gmx.de i can upload it on my webspace.

Thank you very much, I have just uploaded it to yousendit, I don't want to waste your bandwith, thanks again.

Here you can download libjpeg.so.62



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thanks got it working :)
but it worked just one time, then it crashes after seeing the cursor a short moment..
then i connected my gp2x to my laptop and started the app trough telnet and found out that the directory /tmp/qtopia-0/ is the problem.
if it doesnt exist it will be created and qtopia2 works, but if you start qtopia and it is allready there it crashes and says something like that this is not a directory of the current user.
One question.. Can i run Qtopia without connect usb cable and use samba?
Because Qtopia start and ask me time, but after all start I can't move nothing :(!!
Please help me!
Anhaedra posted on Mar 14 2006 at 12:29 AM said:
I got Qtopia running, but when I run it, it tells me that there was an error in the startup procedure and it has to run in safe mode. Here is my Qtopia.gpu file, followed by an error log.


# setting QT/Qtopia env...
export LOGNAME=root
export HOME=/mnt/sd
export QPEDIR=/mnt/sd/Qtopia/qt
export SHARE=/mnt/sd/Qtopia/share
export PATH=$QPEDIR/bin:$PATH

# mount Qtopia image
modprobe zlib_inflate.o
modprobe cramfs.o
mkdir -p $QPEDIR
mount -t cramfs -o loop qtopia.img $QPEDIR
mkdir -p $SHARE
mount -t cramfs -o loop share.img $SHARE

# prepare /tmp directory...
rm /tmp/qtembedded* -rf
chown root.root /tmp

# run...
cd $HOME
qpe -qws

# umount
umount $QPEDIR
umount $SHARE

# terminated...
cd /usr/gp2x
exec ./gp2xmenu

Cannot open /dev/input/mice (No such file or directory)
Create pluginlibman in libqpe
Unable to open /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab
Timezone data must be installed at /usr/share/zoneinfo/
Unable to open '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'
TimeZone::data Can't create a valid data object for 'America/New_York'
TzCache::location unable to find America/New_York 
initEnvironment() Invalid TimeZone America/New_York
Use QPEApplication's PluginLibraryManager
Setting up QCop to QPE/System
channel QPE/Card added
channel QPE/Server added
channel QPE/IME added
Create pluginlibman in libqpe
Use QPEApplication's PluginLibraryManager
QuickLauncher running
inserting Documents at -1
could not load IR plugin
inserting Applications at 0
inserting Games at 1
inserting Settings at 2
Doing slow search for image: justreader/justreader.png
Doing slow search for image: opera.png
addAppLnk: No view for type Application. Can't add app Shutdown!
Create pluginlibman in libqpe
Use QPEApplication's PluginLibraryManager
QuickLauncher running
Unable to open /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab
Timezone data must be installed at /usr/share/zoneinfo/
Unable to open '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'
TimeZone::data Can't create a valid data object for 'America/New_York'
TzCache::location unable to find America/New_York 
Registered QPE/QuickLauncher-57

Any solutions?

EDIT: Ok now it starts normally, but my cursor doesn't work... I didn't change anything except for install a few things, which worked earlier. This is the most bizarre app I've ever used in my life. :blink:
My same problem
Sorry for the tree post but i want to use Qtopia!
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Apr 22 2006 at 01:44 PM said:
I still dont even know what this app does :huh:

*leaves thread*
Qtopia is simple a fast and little kde, it's a desktop manager for embed
And now who can help me?! :unsure:
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I really want to use this - but I would really like to confirm something.

If I were to want to use a new kernel, but I have Open2X (read-only filesystem), will the usual flashing method still work?

I have a fear that if I try to flash with a read-only filesystem, it could brick the unit (though it shouldn't write anything :P)

It is just paranoia - but it would be nice to see if I am missing something.
with open2x firmeware you don't have to do the kernel upgrade because open2x have too ;)
you juste have an good gpu file likeThis. you can modify inside the clock speed and the root of the qtopia directory
I apologize for being a pain, but I'm having trouble loading the RNDIS driver in Windows. My laptop picks up the GP2X and everything, but it doesn't know what to do after that. Oh... and I only got Qtopia 2 to run once as well. Is there any fix to that? If it was mentioned before, I'm sorry. I must have missed it.
qtopia is a pda style app for the gp2x. Qtopia 2 finally works for me in firmware 2.0.

I guess it's because my nand was formatted, removing the read-only patch.