Movies Thread

Just seen Hancock. Me liked it :D Wasn't expecting something amazing and I wasn't disappointed.
Saw hancock, ending just got weird, not really a twist, move of a WTF spiral.
WALL-E was amazing, story reminiscent of a story book with a modern topics and references.
and Batman. the joker made the movie.
creppy as hell though, probably not a good kids movie.
I took my 3 year old to see Wall E, I loved it but she prefered Kung Fu Panda.
I saw The Dark Knight earlier on today. Absolutely amazing. I can't sum it up better than that. There was a lot of hype surrounding the film and I feel that it lived up to that hype and more. Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker was just fantastic and I can see why it is rumored he may be nominated for an Oscar when they come around again. Just a shame we won't see him in it again.

Definitely not a kids film as some bits are quite creepy but I urge everyone to see it. I'm gonna go back and see it again as I enjoyed it so much.
I too, saw Dark Knight.

Joker was brilliant, and combined with heath's other projects in the past, he deserves a posthumous oscar...HOWEVER:

. the rest of the movie was a bore
. every scene that did not involve the joker was dragged out
. the entire movie was too long at 2.5 hours
. 2 face looked half man half TERMINATOR. Terrible job on that.
. batman's voice (pertains to both Begins as well as DK) was a laugh fest. He sounds like myself when I have a severe HEADCOLD.

While some people may love this, I gave it a 7/10. To say that it's higher rated than Godfather, Shawshank, and every other film ever created......well, that's saddening.
The Dark Knight - 9.5
Iron Man - 9
Wanted - 8.5
The Incredible Hulk - 8.5
Hancock - 8
Indian Jones & the Crystal Skull - 8
WALL*E - 6
Saw the Dark Knight, it definitely lived up to the hype and then some. I don't think Heath Ledger's performance was Oscar worthy (seriously, nobody would be saying that if he weren't already dead) but he did give the definitive Joker performance. It was even better than Mark Hamill's turn as the Joker in the 90's animated series.

Also saw the new X-Files premier last night, and it wasn't as good. Nearly 2 hours long, and it felt more like an episode of the TV series than a must see movie. I didn't like Scully's hospital side story, either. It felt tacked on, like it was an excuse to preach about Chris Carter's position on stem cell therapy. I didn't hate the movie, but honestly, unless you're a big fan of the show, it's not worth the $13 or whatever (thankfully, I got in free.)
Since everyone seems to be giving their take on TDK - I was blown away. I never go see movies in the theater more than once, (unless I'm going with other people who must see it) - But I am definitely going to go see TDK in IMAX sometime this weekend unless providentially hindered. Best Joker ever, but only beats Mark Hamill because of the story. I agree that the only reason Mr. Ledger might get the Oscar is because he's dead. But it was a very good performance.

The bit with the boats felt tacked on, like one of the writers watched the bridge scene and the subway scene in Spiderman a few too many times while reading Psych 101 books about the Prisoner's Dilemma. But other than that, it was very good.




You have been warned.



Two Face's face was excellent, IMHO. Much better than Tommy Lee Jones' version. It looked like what you'd expect a half burned-off face to look like - assuming one could live with that much damage.

I think TDK's Batman was a lot more toned down than the "SWEAR TO ME!!!" Batman of Batman Begins. And that was somewhat of a let down. Also - the fate of Mr. Fox is a little ambiguous, but if it went the way it seemed to, I'm sad.

All in all, I really REALLY liked this movie. I won't say it's the best superhero movie ever - but it's in the top 20, IMHO.
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@ DCGM - I agree. It was a great film but not better than the Godfather or Shawshank. And I also got a huge Terminator vibe with Two Face. That could have been done better.

@ Ravnos - Don't be so bloody assinine. Regardless of the fact that Ledger is dead his portrayal of the Joker is fantastic. Ok, it may not be worthy of an Oscar but I feel that it was a brilliant performance that really makes the film stand out. It's not often that a film comes along that shows one actor working his nuts of to further it and that's what he has done.

Now, lets leave this whole 'if he wasn't dead then no one would have paid attention' stuff alone because I don't wanna hear it.
I agree that this performance alone isn't necessarily Oscar-worthy, though we've seen some pathetic wins, such as that fatass from Dreamgirls who was thrown off American Idol ;)

I just think that Ledger was a great, versatile actor, who deserves something to honor him. It's not like he'll be in any other movies, so I just think it's the least we can do.

Also, I was thinking of how his performance affected the film. Think of it this way: If you remove Ledger, was the film still 'BRILLIANT OMFG BEST MOVIE EVAR !!11' like everyone is saying? Or is it just a decent movie? I firmly believe that one great actor does not make an entire movie, and that's the feeling I got from this film.
Ganepark32 said:
@ Ravnos - Don't be so bloody assinine. Regardless of the fact that Ledger is dead his portrayal of the Joker is fantastic. Ok, it may not be worthy of an Oscar but I feel that it was a brilliant performance that really makes the film stand out. It's not often that a film comes along that shows one actor working his nuts of to further it and that's what he has done.
Are you absolutely retarded? At what point did I say it wasn't a great performance? I said he was the definitive Joker. Do you even know what that sentence means? Seriously man, comprehension counts.
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^ I think you misinterpreted what I was getting at. I was getting at the (seriously, nobody would be saying that if he weren't already dead) bit. What I was getting at was that regardless if he was alive or dead I think people would still have put the words Ledger and Oscar in the same sentence. That's what i was getting at. If I caused any confusion, I apologise.
Just seen the dark knight and I thought it was great :D

I think that Ledgers acting might be worth an oscar nomination. The problem is now that everybody is going on about how he doesn't deserve an oscar because they are saying that everyone else is saying he deserves one because he's dead, and then there are people going on about he deserves one because he is dead. Then again, do Oscars really count for anything to people other than a few actors anyway? A lot of crap seems to be awarded them, when decent films get nothing. It's all political I say :p

Whether he deserves it or not, it was definitely some of the better acting in the movie and was probably one of the best characters in it. The later villain (not saying who so as not to spoil it for people) was a bit weak and could have become a lot more in a possible sequel.

ALSO, no way that film should be classed as a 12a. Should have been given a slightly higher rating then they could have pushed some of the visuals a bit more :p

Edit: Forgot to say, they could have gone for a hotter actress for the woman. Should have brought back Katie Holmes, whether she's married to a nutter or not :ph34r:
Saw What is it?, directed by Crispin Hellion Glover on Saturday. It was, uh, strange to say the least. He travelled to the city to present the film, along with his Big Slide Show and a Q&A session afterwards, and I guess it was worth the $20, but I still don't know what to make of any of it.
Watched Flightplan a few night ago. Wasn't bad. Plot was a bit stupid. How no one on a plane could notice either a flight attendant or the flight marshal kidnapping a little kid is a bit strange. Just got more and more absurd as the film went on.
saw the kingdom at a hotel, pretty awesome.
probably plot, etc etc etc.
just wished the action had been more evenly divided throughout the movie.
also- ending.
Just saw Dark Knight myself and its top notch - best movie I've seen this year so far..

I reckon Ledger will get an Oscar either way - that was some outstanding acting.. I thought Oldman and Caine were pretty good too..

Also recently saw No Country for Old Men and all I have to say about that one is a big WTF.. unless thats being tee'ed up for a sequel, I just don't get the ending.
lizard808uk said:
Just saw Dark Knight myself and its top notch - best movie I've seen this year so far..

I reckon Ledger will get an Oscar either way - that was some outstanding acting.. I thought Oldman and Caine were pretty good too..

Also recently saw No Country for Old Men and all I have to say about that one is a big WTF.. unless thats being tee'ed up for a sequel, I just don't get the ending.
No Country really requires a second watching in order to understand its brilliance. Which part didn't you understand? Basically, the entire film was one massive ball of symbolism. The fight against Anton was more or less a proxy war for the fight for good against evil. The ending was pure dialogue, which is what threw me off the first time, as we sometimes choose to ignore petty dialogue in favor of action.

Basically, the sheriff is a wimp who lives in his father's shadow, and it's secretly eating away at him because he knows by not facing the evil head on, he's not doing his part in the world.

At least, I hope I remember that's been like 5 months since I watched it!
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