Free Movies


Dec 12, 2003
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
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This can be a list of movies you can legally download for free and then encode with virtualdub.

Put the title, a small description and the url.

Heres the first one!

Ornaments the movie - A christmas themed movie (I haven't watched it yet)

I also found this site, it has tons of free movies! But you should review the movies in this thread anyways!
..:HellRazer:.. posted on Mar 14 2004 at 07:36 PM said:
just donlaod like smackdown or summit
Nah too recent. I could get some but it takes ages to convert on my shit pc and don't work half the time when I do.

Macho Man Vs. Ultimate Warrior, classic matches.
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There is an excellent Alien/predator CGI fan film somewhere on the net (Sorry I lost the link) But I know I searched on google for it. It was about 15 20 mins long and looked/sounded great on the GP32.....

Also, forgive my lack of knowledge on the subject (I should no more) but are Fansubs free, or is it just the fan subtitles that are legal and the DL of the file (Say full metal panic is illegal)
Im a bit lost to what is legal and what is not, especially as i dont find these on those peers 2 peers???

well, they ar not if you´re from Germany. The new copyright says, that all files that are downloaded from an "obviously illegal source" (KaZaahhhhhmy car burns, E-don*lostmy*key*s* or whatever) are illegal and you can go to jail for thtose files (well, you can go to jail for almoust everything, so....)
hi, if you have any pd films or features you can pm me or e-mail me a link :) i'll convert them and put them onto