mmo for pandora?

we should have pandora representatives that know coding and everything about the pandora who are willing to talk to people about getting stuff ported? like have our pandora representatives talk to the guys making NEStalgia about porting it to pandora. that way they can have the discussion and totally understand everything thats being discussed and any work arounds needed.

any volunteers?
I testet The Mana world on the Pandora at saturdy, and it works well, you can use the nubs as mouse, you can chat whit the other players, only the batterie live whit wifi on is a bit less that whitout wifi, so if you plan a longer session you should plug the ac adapter in..,
Really? The battery gets eaten up that fast? I thought that even with all settings maxed out we had like 8hrs of battery life :/ That is cool that it works though. I used to play, but then I moved to an area that had no (worthwhile) internet connection. Is it .pnd'd yet? Or do we have to port/compile still?
any1 know if Runescape works? classic version even? i read something about staying away from java cuz its a giant load or something
any1 know if Runescape works? classic version even? i read something about staying away from java cuz its a giant load or something

Runescape is a no go.

I am compiling a list of working browser based MMOs here Some of them are actually pretty good fun. I will add more as I find them.

I am also listing games that won't run so others don't duplicate my efforts. My inbox if full of game spam now ROFL.
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yes you better enjoy the time you spend at school especially the freedom :D (9 to 5 is horrible especially if you work withing a university area and see the students drinking wine/beers in the park )
Working at the university myself, so far it has been more like 10:00 to 22:30 for me. Luckily not every day, but quite a lot of them.

yeah same here
It would be nice to have an mmo that isn't browser based... Or even just a good multiplayer game. Something to get addicted to, ya know? Not to mention we have the right size community for it (or will in a couple months).
It would be nice to have an mmo that isn't browser based... Or even just a good multiplayer game. Something to get addicted to, ya know? Not to mention we have the right size community for it (or will in a couple months).

tryed the already mantioned "themanaworld" or "daimonin"

I still have no pandora so I can't try the port we have but they are quite nice... and not browser based.
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Really? The battery gets eaten up that fast? I thought that even with all settings maxed out we had like 8hrs of battery life :/ That is cool that it works though. I used to play, but then I moved to an area that had no (worthwhile) internet connection. Is it .pnd'd yet? Or do we have to port/compile still?

when i use wifi for 14minutes the akku lost about 2perzent that isnt that bad i thougt a higher britnes would use more power than wifi but i ditnt know exakly how long i can bee in the internet because i dtnt even surf the web only, i use emulators too

dont worry you can play mmos whitout problems but not as long as an offline game