Xbmc For Pandora ?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Not sure if the Pandora will ever see xbmc tho it can be run within linux ,its my fav gui for everything you would want on a console-handheld with only one problem being theres no real multitask functionality and not really updated much these days.

Would love to have a Pandorised version or Something simular but with more
features and multitasking all the way.


Boot time -pandora starts wifi,sound,graphics and other drivers - Splash
main menu - games/music/pictures/movies/apps/settings/
(also displays time/date/weather/news feed - live running on bootup)
games menu - shows games/emulators/
(has options to display content in different views)

under apps - web browser and radio player - or better if on main menu
under settings - time/date and so on , but will have themes,themes can
change the entire layout of the gui.

all the other menus would be the same as games menu, tho all menus including games
menu should also have a read from samba directory and if a usb hd is plugged in it would
also apear for browsing into,each menu has a defined theme,music has musical background
image and so on.

now , the multitask bit ...
at any time on any menu,or running any app,game or whatever ,you can press a (home/function button) and this will give options to ....

music (plays currently selected music directory)
radio (plays currently selected in station list)
web browser (starts the integrated web browser,tho if loaded and minimised it will bring it up)

Like xbmc and linux ,there could be an updates menu where you can browse for
things to install/update like themes,backgrounds,sounds and animations,visulisations
plugins and so on ,in the same kind of way aptget works for linux and xbmc update scripts

I know that the more apps you have running the less responsive a game/app will
run ,when running games, you should be limited to music and radio,no net browser
as i would imagin it taking too much cpu and memory.

Thats how i see a good gui,if the pandora could be something like that then it would
be very cool,if you guys havent seen xbmc ,have a look at it on youtube for an idea
of what im trying to say.
yeh ,that link is the basis of were my ideas come from ,its called xbmc and it runs on the original xbox,windows and linux.

as far as porting it over - i wouldnt hold my breath but would love
to see something in a simular vain writen just for the pandora.


this link is simply an enabled xbmc theme running on top of xbmc,loks like 360 !
XBMC is amazing, I still use it almost everyday on my xbox. I am always amazed just how awesome it is, probably the greatest homebrew ever created imo.

I am not sure how useful it will be on the Pandora though even if someone was able to port it and being that a lot of the code will be x86 I would imagine it would most likely be almost a re-write to something that looks like XBMC :)
Not sure if we'll ever see XBMC on Pandora forums. Oh wait... Here we go! XBMC!

Worse, we get to read this on both forums. Joy.

By the way, the search button is at the top right. Or google "site:gp32x.de XBMC".
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First off it sounds like you are describing the default launcher (AKA Gmenu2X), so all the functionality you desire will be in it out of the box. (except mPlayer, which is going to be available on the archive due to licensing issues)

Secondly this was discussed to death, please do a search first: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=s...om+xbmc+pandora

To search this site use site:gp2x.com in your search string, like so: site:gp32x.de xbmc pandora

I personally don't see a point (as I elaborate on in the real XBMC thread), as all the functionality you could reasonably want is bundled with the firmware in the form of Gmenu2X.

But some seem to think that it will be a good idea. Whatever. I think that there are interested devs, but we might need to send them a Pandora to dev on (or at the least a BeagleBoard, if there is a BeagleBoard port then we can use that with minimal changes :) )
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Funny, I was just trying XBMC on windows right before coming to this forum. I have to say XBMC is impressive. Beautiful, easy to use interface. If the UI for Pandora looks something like this, it would be the greatest pmp, not including the gaming. I hope Gmenu or whatever it is called, is this good looking and easy to use.
can i just say, i am not asking for a port ,i dont really care if xbmc is ported to pandora, its more to do with the ideas i have of what the pandora os could be like.

i have never owned a gp32 so i have never saw the os for it apart from
some pictures a year or so ago ,didnt really like the look of then and i
am guessing i wouldnt like it now.
i have no idea of what Gmenu2X looks like so i dont know anything of its
functions or abilities, this thred is mearly my ideas on a gui and i would love to see something like that on pandora ,the multitasking functions are my main concern with pandora and i hope it can do more than one
thing at a time.
ish420 said:
Funny, I was just trying XBMC on windows right before coming to this forum. I have to say XBMC is impressive. Beautiful, easy to use interface. If the UI for Pandora looks something like this, it would be the greatest pmp, not including the gaming. I hope Gmenu or whatever it is called, is this good looking and easy to use.
Considering that most of what you look at with XBMC or Gmenu2X is a script and a skin I don't see any difference except in functionality.

I think that Gmenu2X has plenty of functionality, perhaps even more due to its enhanced link editing and "help file/readme" support available on every link.

paddy said:
can i just say, i am not asking for a port ,i dont really care if xbmc is ported to pandora, its more to do with the ideas i have of what the pandora os could be like.

i have never owned a gp32 so i have never saw the os for it apart from
some pictures a year or so ago ,didnt really like the look of then and i
am guessing i wouldnt like it now.
i have no idea of what Gmenu2X looks like so i dont know anything of its
functions or abilities, this thred is mearly my ideas on a gui and i would love to see something like that on pandora ,the multitasking functions are my main concern with pandora and i hope it can do more than one
thing at a time.
GP2X, honest mistake.

The Gui is plenty good, it was the standard alternative menu for the GP2X, as in people would willingly find it, download it, and set it to run on boot. Here is a video of it for the GP2X with the "liquido" skin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BakyujK8Nc0 Note that the video is pretty lousy at adequately showing off the function of the menu, but it works great.

It is being updated for use as the standard GUI for the Pandora.

As for Multi-tasking all of this has been mentioned by the devs at one time or another.

Go to craigix, or MWeston, or Evildragon 's profile and click: Profile Options -> Find Member's posts

Craigix http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showuser=13747

Evildragon http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showuser=205

Or try the first stickied post: The Big List Of Official Dev Team Updates

Welcome to the community.

I just ask that we wait for the Pandora and try the OS before devoting dev resources to a perhaps superflous port of XBMC.

PS, I have tried XBMC on a PC and found it to be lacking in important features, it is really only good at one thing, turning an Xbox into a media center. Since the Pandora is a handheld media center with a funtional OS already I don't know what purpose it would serve. (the guy in other thread seemed to think that if it wasn't identical to all his other XBMC machines it would be impossible to use. Frankly one GUI with Mplayer is pretty much the same as another GUI on Mplayer to me, the linux port of XBMC uses mplayer iirc. The whole point of a GUI is to have pictures that perform a function. Pictures to click on? check. multimedia functions? check. I am satisfied.)
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well it can be ported I guess since it is for linux, but if it is a deb or rpm that is pre-compiled I guess not unless we ask.
thanks for your support nubie ,at least i know theres some friendly helpfull people on here,i had a look at that link to gmenu2x 0.9
and really,really dont like it,surely the Pandora wont look like that ?

its very amature'sh looking sorry but it does and i dont mean to
offend anyone here but i hate it,its like a mobile phone and not even
a good one.

i wish,i really wish i had known of pandora months ago,i would have
done a pretty good mock up of a gui,i suppose i can always do this and
mabe even create my own gui for pandora once i get mine,that gmenu2x 0.9 to me ,looks very like xdsl on xbox,well the icons do,you can actuly tell its linux,it looks like linux,am i wrong ?

anyway - if pandora is like that ill be wanting to remove it asap and get
my own ideas working but to do that it needs to be possible in the first place,i hope that can be removed.

sorry again if i seem to be moaning about all this ,and i really hope
no one is ofended,as i dont mean to ofend.
paddy said:
thanks for your support nubie ,at least i know theres some friendly helpfull people on here,i had a look at that link to gmenu2x 0.9
and really,really dont like it,surely the Pandora wont look like that ?

its very amature'sh looking sorry but it does and i dont mean to
offend anyone here but i hate it,its like a mobile phone and not even
a good one.

i wish,i really wish i had known of pandora months ago,i would have
done a pretty good mock up of a gui,i suppose i can always do this and
mabe even create my own gui for pandora once i get mine,that gmenu2x 0.9 to me ,looks very like xdsl on xbox,well the icons do,you can actuly tell its linux,it looks like linux,am i wrong ?

anyway - if pandora is like that ill be wanting to remove it asap and get
my own ideas working but to do that it needs to be possible in the first place,i hope that can be removed.

sorry again if i seem to be moaning about all this ,and i really hope
no one is ofended,as i dont mean to ofend.

It will be like any OS, it will be skinnable.
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paddy said:
you can actuly tell its linux,it looks like linux,am i wrong ?
I'm not meaning to be funny or anything, but what, exactly, does Linux "look like"? :P Clicking randomly around this page shows me plenty of different looks...
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Prometheus said:
paddy said:
you can actuly tell its linux,it looks like linux,am i wrong ?
I'm not meaning to be funny or anything, but what, exactly, does Linux "look like"? :P Clicking randomly around this page shows me plenty of different looks...

It looks like evil!
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Prometheus said:
paddy said:
you can actuly tell its linux,it looks like linux,am i wrong ?
I'm not meaning to be funny or anything, but what, exactly, does Linux "look like"? :P Clicking randomly around this page shows me plenty of different looks...

I've tried the Ultimate Edition 1.8 and it's awesome. Especially for a Linux noob like myself. Great looking themes and supports virtually every codec out of the box. If this theme could be applied to the Arm based Ubuntu, I may just be forced to use it. Minus all the added apps that comes preinstalled, the Ubuntu Ultimate Edition is my Ubuntu of choice.
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I've never looked at Ultimate Edition, I must admit - I'm a plain Kubuntu person meself, currently. :D Will have to take a look.
UUE 1.8. Some hardcore Linux users don't like it because it has many applications preinstalled and call it bloat ware. But for users new to Linux, it's has everything you need out of the box. And it looks very nice, imho. It even runs its own repositories.
Not officially endorsed by Canonical.
P.S. There is now an UUE 1.9 version, but it does not come preloaded with codecs, which is why I like 1.8. Like I said I'm a noob and I like everything working out of the box. But you never know. Some of you hardcore users may like it.