GP32 Looking for PSX graphics ripper for port...


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
I've got two projects lined up, and one is a port of FFT. I'll need a ripper for this project. The best part about porting FFT is that I could use the same graphics engine again and port FFTA. But since FFT is a PSX game, there will indeed be limitations. These shouldn't be too hard to get around, since it's basically an isometric sprite and tile-based game with particle effects. That's exactly the type of engines I've done before, so it should be fun.

Unfortunately, there may be a problem if the tiles are rotated run-time (psuedo 3D), since I'll need them pre-rotated. But that's really a trivial problem. Aerostar's Battle Mechanics Guide should help out with all of the, well, battle mechanics. What isn't covered I'll just take an educated guess.

If you're interested, I'll need all of the elements to re-create the first battle (Garland, I believe, off the top of my head). That'll give me a basis to work on. Until then, I'll just use placeholders.
Haven't got FFT, but look for a program called 'Yu_Ri' and try ripping them using that and see what happens. It rips almost anything thrown at it, I've even ripped graphics from PSX based Arcade CD's using it. You might have trouble finding it outside of Japanese sites...
Thanks, but I already have all the sprites and TIM files ripped and extracted. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet for the sounds, but the tiles, spell effects, and other stuff like houses may be more difficult.

If anyone knows how to do this easily, or wishes to try, speak up.
Damm n00b question : What is FFT? Final Fantasy T??

Suc6 with porting it would be really cool to see this on the GP32 :-P
FFT is Final Fantasy Tactics. Sorry, it seems when I re-wrote my first post I accidentially left that out.

Final Fantasy Tactics, as the name suggests, is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG. Unlike most strategy games, one deals with up to around 8 units at once against enemy units of a similiar number, making the battles far more tactical then strategy.
i hope you aren't planning on entering it into the adic comp, ripped gfx, sounds etc are not allowed :( (which i am pi$$ed about)
Haha... That's impossible

* you need the FFT source, you can't figure out the fighting system, character management and stuff just from playing it
* not to mention all story paths
* FFT and FFTA are NOT using the same technology
* you are not allowed to do so ...
Thanks for the optimism.

I'll be using my own engine for the game. It'll be more like a remake then a port, just like IcemanGP's "ports" are more like remakes then ports. There is something called the "Battle Mechanics Guide" by Aerostar which explains, in detail with psuedo-code, almost all of the game mechanics. All of the battle mechanics were gained through many, many tests.

If Squaresoft yells at me (which I strongly doubt they'll do), that won't be the end of the project. I'll just have to find graphics and music elsewhere.
There's a utility called PSound that works pretty well for ripping should at the very least rip all the sample sounds used for the music. Perhaps ejecting the CD while the game is playing will stop the music so you can get clean sound effect recordings?

Two other ways you could rip tiles: One is use an emulator like EPSXE so you can get a clear picture and just take lots of screenshots. The better way, however, is a VRAM dump from a PSX. Unfortunately you require a PC Comms Link or similar hardware to do this, and even if you do it, There's some sort of encryption on the graphics still - the playstation seems to store the graphics on top of each other to save space. Think of it as one set of graphics on top of another (there's only two sets). That, and the colors are all wrong I think too. In other words, it's not a good solution in itself...but put the two together. Perhaps there's an emulator with some kind of VRAM viewing thing, or a plugin that does that? should have links to sites with plugins...
Hey GeneralMX,

I'll be asking my friends if I can find a copy of FFT around and then I'll try to help you because I can probably get some of the things you need and have a pc comm link card so I could probably do a vram dump, ect.

I'll try and tell you when I have anything

TJ Hooka
Thanks Hooka. I have the sprites, which is all I need for testing out the graphics engine and game engine. I'm going to use placeholders for everything else. Hopefully I'll have a demo out in a couple of weeks (unless my professors decide to barrage me with homework).
Two problems with PC Comms Links:

1) They're ISA cards, so you'll probably need an old PC (maybe a Celeron or something?)
2) You need a PSX with the expansion port at the back and a matching gameshark (ie, if you have a SPCH-9xxx or PSone/PS2, you're screwed)

I'd offer to help (I know people who have FFT), but my PSX long since blew up. Now I have two PS2's instead...