Minigolf Game - Devlog

kurtkz said:
Ugh, I don't think I'll be able to release a demo this weekend - my order still hasn't arrived :'( Looks like I might only get it on Monday *grumble* In the meantime, I've made the changes to the ingame screen (as suggested by Peter and torpor) and have added simple placeholder menus to make the game more complete.

Ooh! I can't imagine anything that is more frustrating!

And, changes, I'm assuming you mean the first couple images I most recently posted?

crow_riot said:
do 'we' (me ;) ) also get a Wiz version? or will you release only for caanoo then?

And I say ... absolutely (also for the Wiz)!
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Crap, so the store where I ordered my Caanoo from emailed me this morning to say that they ran out of stock and will only be getting more stock in sometime next week. The demo will be delayed. Sorry guys and girls :/ Development will continue though!
I love the icons! It would be nice to havee similiar icons in the main menu. maybe looking like a "ring switcher" from compiz on linux. Oh, and the menu should be animated! Everybody loves animated menus. And, just a idea, for the wiz users, it would be good, if after some time of "not doing anything" there would be a simple animation (like a camera rotating around the bar), so the screen would not burn out...

Are you planning any multiplayer modes. For example, with minigolf, you can have a hot-seat mode. And for Caanoo users, there could be even networked version, with could be even real time, so the player who gets first in the hole wins. Also, with multi - player, ther could be some über-cool things in that sidescroller mode :)
forces/before said:
I love the icons! It would be nice to havee similiar icons in the main menu. maybe looking like a "ring switcher" from compiz on linux. Oh, and the menu should be animated! Everybody loves animated menus. And, just a idea, for the wiz users, it would be good, if after some time of "not doing anything" there would be a simple animation (like a camera rotating around the bar), so the screen would not burn out...

Are you planning any multiplayer modes. For example, with minigolf, you can have a hot-seat mode. And for Caanoo users, there could be even networked version, with could be even real time, so the player who gets first in the hole wins. Also, with multi - player, ther could be some über-cool things in that sidescroller mode :)

hey, thanks forces/before!
For the main menu ... hmmmmmmmm ... maybe. Honestly, ive only been knocking ideas around in my had about what to do for the main menu. However, as a designer, its important to seperate what it `cool` and what is part of the concept. Concept leads function, and then those functions are made cool.

An idle animation? Not a bad idea! Out of genuine curiousity, do you often let games sit running on your Wiz?

And multiplayer would certainly be cool, but we arent planning it right now. I dont think Kurt needs anything else to fight with, and mulitplayer is not a small order. Our priority is on making a single player game, that is incredibly well designed, engaging, fun and immersive.
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Yup, WiFi multiplayer would be cool and shouldn't be too difficult in this kind of game as it would be turn-based - BUT I'd like to keep our first game as simple and user-friendly as possible. Hotseat multiplayer isn't a bad idea though.
traylorpark said:
Out of genuine curiousity, do you often let games sit running on your Wiz?
Well, with games, that need quick decission i pause the game, but ussualy yes. I am allways worried of the burned screen... Don't even want to have a word "Paused" burned on the screen.
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Hi everyone,

just a little heads-up: the game isn't dead! Peter and I have just been a little busy lately, but we're both working extremely hard to release a demo. He's currently working on the 2nd level and I'm waiting for my Caanoo to arrive so I can build a release for him to test. Keep watching this space :)

@forces/before: That's a very good point. I've added it to the engine.
We're back in business folks, I just managed to build and test the demo on my Caanoo. Works a treat. Waiting to hear back from Peter now. Watch this space...
kurtkz said:
We're back in business folks, I just managed to build and test the demo on my Caanoo. Works a treat. Waiting to hear back from Peter now. Watch this space...

Ta da!

Cheers to Kurt for braving the wilds of Linux to setup a toolchain just for us Caanoo users.
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Wow, this looks really impressive! I rarely have time to check these forums regularly, but when I do look in I always find something new and cool. Looking forward to trying this!
Origami Golf Demo, October 24

Tentative title: Origami Golf.
Controls: X for everything, D-Pad/Stick to rotate club (and camera while ball is rolling). Shoulder buttons to rotate camera while in 'look mode'.

I'm going to go ahead and put this on my server. Everybody! Feel free to download the game.
I made an .ini file that I am quite sure works with Caanoo users. I don't have a Wiz, you might have to do you own setup.
The zip file contains the executable for both the Caanoo and the Wiz (I think).

Realize, this is early work. Like, pre alpha. You will find many problems. We're cutting our teeth on this first level (I can already promise you the next one is worlds improved) It's certainly a great start. And hey, its new homebrew 3D on your handheld ... what else do you want? ;) Props to Kurt and his awesome engine!

Let us know what you all think!
traylorpark said:
Origami Golf Demo, October 24

Tentative title: Origami Golf.
Controls: X for everything, D-Pad/Stick to rotate club (and camera while ball is rolling). Shoulder buttons to rotate camera while in 'look mode'.

I'm going to go ahead and put this on my server. Everybody! Feel free to download the game.
I made an .ini file that I am quite sure works with Caanoo users. I don't have a Wiz, you might have to do you own setup.
The zip file contains the executable for both the Caanoo and the Wiz (I think).

Realize, this is early work. Like, pre alpha. You will find many problems. We're cutting our teeth on this first level (I can already promise you the next one is worlds improved) It's certainly a great start. And hey, its new homebrew 3D on your handheld ... what else do you want? ;) Props to Kurt and his awesome engine!

Let us know what you all think!

Just to add to what Peter said regarding the controls:

L+R - exit
Select - toggle free look mode (this will be required for future stages, where you need to explore the map)
X,Y - move forward and back in free look mode
A,B - move up and down in free look mode
Menu - take a screenshot (this saves to .raw format for now - I wrote a converter in .NET)

If you guys like, you can play around with the physics using the information I posted earlier in this thread. Everything is configurable in the ini and cfg files.

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Superb work!!

The menus has a nice flow and style and the Gameplay is intuitive. I hope you make the world more colored :-).

Nice to see 3D Homebrew on Caanoo. Thanks!
Hey guys,

I tried it out last night, really nice work hope to see something good coming out of it...

I did had a problem with the ball falling through the world at one point, i wasn't shooting the ball out of the playfield, but it kinda hit something near what i would call a fly like creature (in the middle of the first map) really hard to tell what it actually is, and it fell through the ground somehow, i couldn't replicate it afterwards anymore though :)

keep it up, ran great on my caanoo
@joyrider: Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated. The joys of physics-based games I tell ya :P We're working on the interface and controls at the moment. Peter's highlighted some very important improvements that need to be made. Look for a new demo sometime later this week....
SiENcE said:
Superb work!!

The menus has a nice flow and style and the Gameplay is intuitive. I hope you make the world more colored :-).

Nice to see 3D Homebrew on Caanoo. Thanks!

Thanks sir, totally agree with you about the colors. The next levels will be much more interesting to look. Promise you!

joyrider said:
Hey guys,

I tried it out last night, really nice work hope to see something good coming out of it...

I did had a problem with the ball falling through the world at one point, i wasn't shooting the ball out of the playfield, but it kinda hit something near what i would call a fly like creature (in the middle of the first map) really hard to tell what it actually is, and it fell through the ground somehow, i couldn't replicate it afterwards anymore though :)

keep it up, ran great on my caanoo

The bug reports and problems are more plentiful then the flies in my kitchen, for sure. I really appreciate you taking a look and throwing some feedback.

Hahahaha, those fly like things are actually Cicadas. Hard to identify if you've never seen one I guess. Noted for the following levels :rolleyes:
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Just to let you all know ... I'm going to continue to update this topic in the Caanoo forum now (more official like too).
Caanoo - Origami Golf Devlog

Not that support for the Wiz will stop. Kurt is probably going to compile builds for both. But I only have a Caanoo, and well ... I feel weird posting about the Caanoo here ... it just feels dirty.
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