Just about to buy a new card

How do you know the difference between safe and sorry?
Some information on lifespan, speed and reliability of SD cards. Simple conclusion: there typically is no generally reliable way of finding out which SD cards are good and which aren't.


How do you know the difference between safe and sorry?
One is a 4 letter word that people need to take into account when taking a dirty skank hoe back to their place...and the other one is a 5 letter word that I use far too often in RL.
Yes, of course, but... how do you know the difference?



It would be interesting to start a post with serial numbers and brand to see if there is any correlation.
There's a SD compatibility list on pandorawiki. However, the data therein has to be taken with trucks of salt since it is very esoteric. As I wrote at the beginning of this post, there typically is no generally reliable way of finding out which SD cards are good and which aren't, and many people are not aware of some of the associated problems which might result in wrong and/or non-representative benchmarking results. You might also want to read the thread called "32GB SDHC card problems..."
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