SDxc 64GB Which one do work


Forum Addict!
Sep 28, 2011
I think it's hard to make a good advice. I'm mostly following discussions about Transcend-cards and you hear good and bad things about them. Actually i think it's the same about other cards as well. The compatibility-list doesn't sound too good bout the Transcend SDXC 64GB. But in in this thread it sounds a bit different.

IMHO there are many reasons that can make a card seem to work badly (cardreader, software-bugs, overclocking-software-issues, bad usage like removing them although they are being accessed), but still people will blame it on the card. Also some luck is involved as every producer may deliver a flawed card. And also it depends on where you buy them, as for example you often hear to better stay away from extra-ordinary cheap offers, which are most likely faulty cards sold by scammers.

My personal experience is limited to Transcend-cards with 4GB and 8GB and they work fine. I will probably try the 64GB from them in some time.
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I've got nothing but good things to say about the Pretec's I ordered from NewEgg. Class 16 64GB works really well with the Pandora so I decided to pick up a second because I still had stuff to clear off of my hard drive. NewEgg also refunded me the difference of the original purchase price compared to the new lowered price. The shipping is interesting as it goes out via UPS and then gets transferred to USPS for delivery.

Which filesystem are you using with the Pretec-card?

Could you do the read/write-speed-test like mentioned on the compatibility-list and post the results? Well, at least the read-test would be fine.
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I'm using a Sandisk Ultra 64 GB Class 6 Card with fat32 and so far no problems. I've only been using it since yesterday though. (:

Which filesystem are you using with the Pretec-card?

Could you do the read/write-speed-test like mentioned on the compatibility-list and post the results? Well, at least the read-test would be fine.
FAT32, I removed the photo software that was installed, did a quick format to FAT32 and its a champ.

How do I go about doing this test? On a MAC or Pandora.
You do the test on the Pandora. Turn it on, log into xfce, become root by typing "sudo su" and entering your user-password, open a terminal, insert the card if it's not inserted and write

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/null bs=4MiB count=100

if the card you want to test was inserted first (or is the only card which is inserted)

or type

dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=/dev/null bs=4MiB count=100

if the card you want to test was inserted, with another card already installed.

There is also a write-test, but CAREFUL: You don't want to do that unless you are willing to lose the data on it. See the top of the compatibilty-page in the wiki for more details.

Gave me the result of a read-speed of 10,1MB/s for a card that i can't look up right now since the Pandora is running and i am booting from that it ;) and 16,8 MB/s for the Transcend 8Gb Class6.
i know slaeshjag ported an app that pretty much works the same way h2testw works, but i cant remmeber what he named it, or where to find it as its no on repo or his site, im sure prometheous or slaeshjag would know what im talking about
I've been using two of these:

Price just dropped by $10

My Pandora has white eyes :)
So do these work straight out the box once you reformat it? No modifications or scripts done to the Pandora at all? I have to 32GB cards from Newegg, but they are almost fulll. I'm not interested in swapping between 3 differant sd cards, so this would be cool if I don't have to do much to get it running.

100+0 records in

100+0 records out

419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 25.9257 s, 16.2 MB/s


On a Mac, removed photo software, emptied trash, disk utility zero out with fat32
i know slaeshjag ported an app that pretty much works the same way h2testw works, but i cant remmeber what he named it, or where to find it as its no on repo or his site, im sure prometheous or slaeshjag would know what im talking about
It's called "F3", and it's here. :P
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