

Dec 12, 2003
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
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Im gonna talk about Payback, a 3D GTA clone originaly made for the Amiga. It can be ported to the GP32 because it uses the language C. The thing is, the guy that might port it needs a publisher before he starts work so he isnt just wasting his time and money. The game is currently being ported to the GBA so you know it will run on the GP32 but with much better graphics.

Here are some features:

*Perspective correct texture mapping.
*Gouraud shading with realtime dynamic light-sourcing. (Not with GBA version.)
*Environment mapped cars.
*Distortion-mapped reflections.
*Realistic physics model.
*Advanced alpha-channelling effects. (Check out those explosions and lens flares!)
*3 huge cities to explore.
*Dozens of vehicles to drive, each with their own unique handling characteristics. *Includes trucks, cars, buses, boats, tanks and a few other surprises!
*Motion captured human animation.
*Realistic real-time shadows.
*Non-linear mission structure.
*Advanced 3d audio system: Tracks up to 500 sounds, realistically simulates doppler effect and inverse-square law.

Im pretty sure all of those features would be included in the GP32 version (if its made)

If you want more information about Payback and some screens of all the versions of the game goto

The maker told me that the graphics would look alot like the intent version of the game except rotated resolution.

This is what the game would look like (except with diffrent hud because these are just thumbnails to amiga screens :P )




Please help find a publisher!
Wow, that looks fantastic. This guy is completely willling to port it, too? It looks like it would make a killer commercial game. I don't personally have any hook-ups, but if anyone does know a way to get this game published, please take action. :o
Yep, he said he would start porting when a publisher makes a deal with him that when he is finished porting, they will publish it insted of him making the game and then not finding a publisher and being screwed. But he said it would take him about 6 months to make it.
i don't know much about this, but would it be possible that he make the game and maybe be able to put in on JoyGP for download? If the game plays as good as it looks, i'd be willing to pay $15-20 to download it.
depends on what you consider 3d game. 3d with polygons i believe it would be the first, however, first person, like Doom, then i guess this game wouldn't technically be the first.
i see a video of this game running a few month's ago and it looked good...
it look so much better now...finger's crossed!!!!
Or if there is enough interest we could either donate to him or contact JoyGP for some sort of advance credit. Then again the JoyGP guys might not see its appeal; Gamepark already voiced their disliking of Pinball Dreams.
Rico posted on Dec 30 2003 at 10:59 PM said:
Gamepark already voiced their disliking of Pinball Dreams.
ROFL, what did they see wrong with it?!?!?!

How much cash do you think would be needed?
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Gamepark already voiced their disliking of Pinball Dreams

muppets, someone gimme a reason why they dis like maybe they are just crap at pinball

-will thats 53 windows servers just patched, drivers updated and hard disks defraged 79 to go.- yawwwwwwwwwwwwn
Buggered if i know, i can understand them not liking GTA style games but pinball?? Whats the worst that could happen? a ball falls off the table and hits some guy in the crotch?? pffff :rolleyes:

Will the graphics on this game be as good as those screens? or downgraded? i hope it is real polygons and not some Mode-7 effect, it certainly looks like polygons! , simply great.. if it gets released who knows what type of 3D games we'll be seeing on gp32 next!! :D
Those are polygons alright! The graphics willl look similar to the intent version, so they will not be downgraded that much. Probably just a lower resolution.

I just got a crazy idea. If he were to port this, wouldnt he be able to sell the engine to other developers? That could mean GP32 will have great 3D graphics, comparable to the PS1.
Those screens are actually from the GBA version, the GP32 version could have better graphics, if it ever gets made.
Talked to my mate Bobson about this ages ago as he's still really active in the Amiga scene, and he spoke to the guy months ago about it. He said the same thing back then - that a GP32 port would be very feasible if the money was behind it.

Hopefully it will come to fruition....