Released in 1991 on Amiga. Around this time most games are written on the ST then ported up to the Amiga. An extremely easy job to do this for Moonstone - hell, no scrolling involved!
Then later released on PC, a monumentally difficult rewrite.
Some sites say it was released on ST, others say it wasn't. Most importantly the premier fansite ( ) author, Shadowman, says an ST version was rumoured to exist, but he's not seen it.
An akira game would be great! Imagine, Racing around fighting the other biker gang (the clowns, I think they were called). Of course there's the rest of the plot....................I WANT THE BIKE!
The reason I surgested "Moonstone", was because was it's my belief that it was'nt one any of the platforms that are emulated. That goes for "Nuclear War" too.