What game should be made(or re-made) into a game?

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Seems to be a little odd, this baby.

Released in 1991 on Amiga. Around this time most games are written on the ST then ported up to the Amiga. An extremely easy job to do this for Moonstone - hell, no scrolling involved!

Then later released on PC, a monumentally difficult rewrite.

Some sites say it was released on ST, others say it wasn't. Most importantly the premier fansite ( www.moonstonetavern.co.uk ) author, Shadowman, says an ST version was rumoured to exist, but he's not seen it. :(
An akira game would be great! Imagine, Racing around fighting the other biker gang (the clowns, I think they were called). Of course there's the rest of the plot....................I WANT THE BIKE! :D
The reason I surgested "Moonstone", was because was it's my belief that it was'nt one any of the platforms that are emulated. That goes for "Nuclear War" too.
dc240969 said:
Dragond Lair, Space Ace and Mach 3.
Whoops... maybe you should read Rico's list of "Things you don't do", pinned at the top of this forum. ;)

Anyway, it's kinda silly to be discussing this now. Nobody's making anything for the GP32 anymore, as far as I know.
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