I don't really think it is more ergonomic to have the two Shifts/Metas (keyboard and shoulder) on opposite sides: shoulder button presses can be combined with any thumb, no matter where the shoulder buttons are located. In fact, I think it is nice to have them in a similar pattern:Yeah I like that one too.
I also agree with the idea of putting keyboard and shoulder meta+shift on opposite corners,
- on the keyboard, Shift and Meta are on the left (Shift to the left of Meta), while Alt and Ctrl are in the middle, so relatively speaking, on the right (Alt above Ctrl)
- on the shoulders, Shift and Meta are on the left (Shift to the left of Meta), while Alt and Ctrl are on the right (Alt above Ctrl)
The most logical way to extend that convention, at least in my mind, is to make all shoulder modifiers "Right" modifiers, e.g. L2=RightMeta and R2=RightAlt.
Now I think it is nice if there are no keys called "LeftSomething" that are physically to the right of the corresponding "RightSomething".
If you combine those two constraints (extending the Pandora convention in a logical way, and not have LeftX to the right of RightX), then there is only one solution.
I also got used to the Pandora position for , and . (and most other symbols too), but I think it's easy enough to get used to something new (and Pandora muscle memory will only partially transfer anyway, given the new physical keyboard layout and the differences that will be there anyway). On the Pandora , and . were on the left because there simply was no room for them on the right (Fn could have been on the left, but Enter would have been really weird on the left). On the Pyra we do have the choice. So far, we all seem to agree that getting closer to US-QWERTY is better, even if that means doing things differently than on the Pandora -- e.g. nobody has argued in favor of having a Shift + number row that looks like this: §{}~%^&*[]. So while I do not strongly object to having , and . on the left, I think it is still better to have them where they really belong, which is on the right.(putting . and , back at the lower left) While that might seem counter-intuitive to some I've gotten kind of used to it on the pandora.
Here is a 'dotted circle' version of _wb_ MES-1 v5, as requested by Grench:
I discovered two minor shortcomings in it:
- the ³ of the German keyboard is missing (oh noes! however, my proposal to let dead circumflex act as a 'dead superscript' on numbers is good enough in my opinion, actually even better: instead of having just squares and cubes, ² and ³, you can type any exponent with that, e.g. x ⁸⁷⁵⁰ )
- no more dead stroke and dead macron, which means Łł Đđ Ħħ Ŧŧ ¢ ¥ and Ãā Ēē Īī Õō Ūū are no longer two-thumb symbols, but three-thumb compose sequences. None of the Western European languages will notice the difference, and the ones that do notice the difference (some Balto-Slavic languages) will probably want to remap things anyway, to get one-thumb access to the letters they need.