There are nouyances, but as a distinction,
It is my assumption that wb believes in being able to compose letters and he is correct in that this covers some languages fully. And that a limited amount of dead-diactrics are needed.
My interjection is while having dead-diactrics only is ok for some languages, it is a lesser option for those who have dedicated buttons. Having a way to use dedicated buttons is however not
incompatible with languages that need/utilize dead-diactrics only. Therefore it is a net benefit, and as demonstrated, very important to the focal usergroup.
It is also my belief that we should have all the diactrics.
A: Limited selection of dead diactrics only. Those who need more diactrics and dedicated letters incompatible.
B: Fullest possible dedicated letters. Full selection of dead-diactrics. Compatible with all languages with diactrics and useful for those who need dedicated buttons.
To me its not a question about which one is better, its a question about what we lose with B, which is what i am asking.
This is my view. As you can see the colours are a real gradient. We account for purchasing power, because that is the actual customers. And we see each country as individual customers, not the generic functionality as a whole. It is by no means extencive, but already we see a lot of problems not accounted for:
Based on Largely the same international support that the pandora had.
- Good enough: No major hurdles
- GOOD: Hope there are other qualities
- BAD: Very few of potential
- VERY BAD: Outright fail, almost none of potential
These are about half the audience, for purposes of language they are covered already, so lets not inflate.
All numbers in millions
226 americans
60 Englishspeakers in the UK
19 Englishspeakers in AUS
93.5 German speakers 80 Germans 7.5 austia 5.5 Swiss 0.5 luxembourg öäü missing nobody(?) types ẞ on thirdlevelshift+U. Cant buttonhack to get AZERTY
66 French people No dedicated numbers or letters, dont know how to type æ or œ. Cant buttonhack to get AZERTY
46 Spaniards ¡ not close to where it is in spanish ¿ not close, ñ and Ç buttons missing
Japanese None of the letters, famously difficult market for foreign products. Especially game-consoles.
19 lower german scandinavians (5M Norwegian, 5.5M Danish, 9.2M Swedish) Missing all letters.
dutch-speakers (16.5 holland, 6.5 belgium) Diactrics moved and looks different. These people are often multilingual (notably German and French)
5.4 Finns Missing all letters
59 million Italians Cant buttonhack to get QZERTY
10 million Portuguese Missing Ç and the other special button.
71 million people speak Turkish
28 million people speak Romanian
11 million people speak Czech
5.2 million people speak Slovak
2.5 million people speak Slovenian
1.2 million people speak Estonian
5.4 million people speak Albanian
40 million people speak Polish (missing: Ł)
19 million people speak Serbo-Croatian languages (missing: Đ)
13 million people speak Hungarian (missing: űő)
~9 million people speak Catalan (missing: interpunct)
3.1 million people speak Lithuanian (needs ū)
1.75 million people speak Latvian (needs ū)
0.5 million people speak Maltese (needs ħ)
~9 million people speak Quechuan languages
~17 million people speak Afrikaans
73 million people speak
Tagalog (Filipino)
150 million people speak
75 million people speak
Vietnamese (missing: hook above diacritic (Hỏi) and the letters