Anyone have any ideas on how I should setup this single table booth?
Have one half dedicated to mech and the other half to demonstrations. Actually, you might want to allow a lot of room for demonstrations. I'd imagine not a ton of people being too interested in a Pandora T-Shirt. (Well, I would be...

Anyone know of something I can use to tether a Pandora or two to the table, so I don't have to worry about them walking away?
Well, the Pandora does have holes to lace something through. it's not that big though, so it'd have to be some kind of thin metal wire - just not too thin that someone could bend it until it breaks
Also, I'm debating as to whether I should have the Pandora units on display set to XFCE or MiniMenu, and what .PNDs to include on them for demo purposes.
If you are going to have more then a single Pandora unit on display, then I'd split it 50/50. If you have an odd number though I'd suggest hedging towards XFCE. People might find that to be more impressive.
As for PND's, I can't think of every single one to add, but just a few:
- Mupen64 and PSXreARMed. People seem to at least be a little impressed to see those running.
- KAMI RETRO. If you have purchased the game, it would be great to show it off. It's a game some people would recognize from recent times.
- Super Geometry Dust. A Great game that makes good use of the nubs, which some consider to be a unique feature of the Pandora. Forget Me Not is also a good one.
- PND Manager. If it's possible, it'd be good to be able to show how easy it is to upgrade existing software.
- Classic Console Emulators in general. I mean, this is a RETRO gaming expo. There will more then likely be people asking if it can run NES / Atari / Commodore.
- A few non-game programs, such as MyPaint, Audacious and a movie player. Just to show that there is more to the device then just playing games.
And that's all I can think of for now. Hopefully someone else will pop in with some more suggestions.