Acidwarp Port


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2004
Well, I'm not sure this is really the place for this. I feel a bit.. shy.. to announce this amidst all these great pieces of software, but..

As a personal exercise, I've ported the old DOS visual hack AcidWarp to the GP32.



Credit: Original program was by Noah Spurrier (the guy whose face that is). Linux port was by Steven Wills. I was having trouble getting random numbers, so for good measure I tossed in the Mersenne Twister by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.

Controls: Start pauses. B switches images. R resets the GP32. Select switches palettes. A locks the palette and image, but continues color-cycling. Up and down increase and decrease the speed of color-cycling.

Note that most of those controls merely activate code from the Linux port, and some (up and down particularly) don't seem to work.

-- Kal
Very nice! too bad it doesn't have music or anything but other than that awesome little mind trip.
WOW! I haven't used acidwarp in years and totally forgot about it! Thanx a ton!
Hey, maybe it wouldn't tax the CPU too much to add .mod support to it?
Just wondering... I can't wait to play with it!

Thank you all :)

After I posted the program, I checked the code for the cycle-speed.. yes, it turns out that it was an artifact from the Linux code that I had disabled (I did most of this thing a couple of months ago, and forgot a bunch of what I did). On Linux, it used usleep, with a delay that defaulted to 30000 and could be changed by increments of 5000. On the GP, it uses vsync...

As far as MOD playing, it's not really a question of whether the MOD would tax the system too much -- I'm pretty sure this program spends most of its time waiting for vsync anyway, even at the very low clockspeed I have set it to. So most of the time it's running, this program could basically do anything else the GP can that doesn't use the display.

So I guess I'll just look for some suitable MOD code and some suitable MODs.

Oh, incidentally -- I don't know if anybody's checked the source dist, but there are a couple of files in there that could be useful to people using Netpbm to make their game icons:

gp32std.ppm is basically gpstd.act with a PPM header. It can be used with pnmremap to map an image to the standard GP palette.

ppm2bin.c is quick-and-dirty code to translate a 32x32 rawbits PPM image to a raw .bin format icon usable by Mr.Spiv's b2fxeC. I dunno if there was already a way to do this, but I couldn't find it.

-- Kal
Its hypnotic...

I've been staring at it for the last 15 mins....
Okay, I have in a very bad way added mod playback. I had forgotten that Mr.Mirko's SDK included a MOD player -- I only added a few lines of code to acidwarp. I didn't even have to raise the clock speed from the previous release. :lol: The only problem is that it seems to be screwing up the portamentos. Literally, I mean. They bend way too high.

Included in the program is Distant Voices by Radix. I've replaced the old FXE at this location. The new source package is here.

Later I will add external file loading. I just wanted to see if it would work.

-- Kal
I put this modfile in Mr.Mirko's sample player, and it crashed, too. so either the file is faulty or there's a bug in the SDK.

I'm not sure what to do about this.
Can the user put in any mod? That would be cool. If you don't want to bother putting in a file selector for MODs maybe you could just have it so it looks for a file called "acid.mod" or something like that. If the user wanted to change mods he would just rename them to "acid.mod" . That would be a great addition.
Can the user put in any mod? That would be cool. If you don't want to bother putting in a file selector for MODs maybe you could just have it so it looks for a file called "acid.mod" or something like that. If the user wanted to change mods he would just rename them to "acid.mod" . That would be a great addition.

Yeah, I was gonna do that next. I was gonna use 'acidwarp.mod' actually.

It's just that both files I've tried in this thing have crashed it, and I'm getting discouraged.

-- Rob
You could always poke around in the Developers section here. I am sure one of the Codemonkeys in there could help. This would be a cool program to have with the ability to play mods. It would be like an old Amiga scene demo.
Okay, one more round, folks.

The executable is in the usual place. The source is up too. The MOD should be called acidwarp.mod and placed in the GPMM directory. I still suggest Distant Voices by Radix, which is inexplicably working again. If there's no MOD file, it'll just skip the whole music thing and run anyway.

-- Kal
With the MOD file it seems to freeze after about 2 second on me... but it's nice to see you added sound :)
Dang. Well, it has sound support which presumably doesn't crash with some mods on some machines, and if there's no mod it runs fine. And as near as I can tell the crash hasn't anything to do with my code. So I guess this thing's done for now.

Maybe I'll work something out later, but for now, other projects beckon. Ta.

-- Kal
kalthare posted on Dec 5 2004 at 12:07 AM said:
Dang. Well, it has sound support which presumably doesn't crash with some mods on some machines, and if there's no mod it runs fine. And as near as I can tell the crash hasn't anything to do with my code. So I guess this thing's done for now.

Maybe I'll work something out later, but for now, other projects beckon. Ta.

-- Kal

One little hint, you are loading the modfile to malloc ed memory, start playing the modfile
and then free the modfile memory ...
You should remove the free modfile, and it schould run...
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