The $499 price does not include shipping.
The 7 Day units ship within 7 days. They don't arrive within 7 days as we cannot control your local customs office or what the shipper may decide to do.
That said most people are getting them within 7 days, but I must make clear here (and it is clear on the website) they only ship within 7 days.
This is not clear. It is left open to interpretation and if this actually were a legal case it would side with the consumer.
How can I get one of the units within the next days?
Some units are being reserved to be shipped right away. They might be out of stock every once in a while, but with each new shipment from Texas, more of those units will be ready!
The cost for a Pandora that is delivered to you within the next 7 days is 500 USD (without VAT) or approx. 440 EUR (including VAT).
If you have already preordered and are waiting for your unit, you can either wait for it to be delivered - or upgrade your order to get it right away!
"Delivered to you" not shipped out. Delivered to you implies that you will receive it within 7 days. It also doesn't say that it DOESN'T include shipping. To make it "clear" it should be something like this:
The cost for a Pandora that will be mailed out within 7 days of receipt of payment is $500 USD bla bla bla. This does not include shipping, shipping can vary from country to country please email us, bla bla bla.
THAT is clear.