Still Fresh
Initial release of rsvp4gp2x.
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Requires Pygame.
This application displays text for reading in a rapid sequential fashion, which allows rapid reading even on a restricted-size screen such as the gp2x.
Current features include: Bookmarking, Text Rotation, rewind, fast-foward, adjustable text display speed, a progress bar, configurable controls, configurable font size, configurable colors (for all display elements)
Future features may include: alternate document formats (compressed files, .doc, pdf), syntactic pause adjustment (increases the display pause between words when called for by syntax, for instance commas, periods, paragraph breaks), ice cream dispenser, world peace.
Known issues: requires installation to root sd directory (just a config file issue I'm sure), launch time is seems somewhat slow (about 8 seconds)
Default Controls:
Up stick/Y: accelerate text
Down stick/X: decelerate text
Left stick: rewind
Right stick: fast-foward
A/select: make bookmark
start: pause/unpause
Vol +/-: rotate text clockwise/counterclockwise
L: previous bookmark
R: next bookmark.[/cut]
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Requires Pygame.
This application displays text for reading in a rapid sequential fashion, which allows rapid reading even on a restricted-size screen such as the gp2x.
Current features include: Bookmarking, Text Rotation, rewind, fast-foward, adjustable text display speed, a progress bar, configurable controls, configurable font size, configurable colors (for all display elements)
Future features may include: alternate document formats (compressed files, .doc, pdf), syntactic pause adjustment (increases the display pause between words when called for by syntax, for instance commas, periods, paragraph breaks), ice cream dispenser, world peace.
Known issues: requires installation to root sd directory (just a config file issue I'm sure), launch time is seems somewhat slow (about 8 seconds)
Default Controls:
Up stick/Y: accelerate text
Down stick/X: decelerate text
Left stick: rewind
Right stick: fast-foward
A/select: make bookmark
start: pause/unpause
Vol +/-: rotate text clockwise/counterclockwise
L: previous bookmark
R: next bookmark.[/cut]