I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

The sturdy plastic cover is the screen protector. You can add another protector (standard one you are thinking of) to that one, but why? You can buy spare sturdy plastic covers for cheaper than you can an average screen protector. It does come off without opening the unit. It just has some sticky adhesive, but it can be pryed off and replaced. Check www.gp32z.com for $7 replacements. I purchased an extra because I know I will eventually scratch the screen.

BTW: With the MK1's it was the sturdy hard plastic part that people got separate, believe it or not! I was shocked when I received my first one that way. It made me feel like I had to finish building the unit :) But when you think about it, it is an awesome idea. The possibility to make a scratchproof glass cover to replace that exists as well. Hope someone makes one!

Thanks for clarifying this zektor - I am sure you have put many curious minds at rest.

Got mame on my machine last night - man I love the gp2x. How did I ever live without it !
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Thanks for clarifying this zektor - I am sure you have put many curious minds at rest.

Got mame on my machine last night - man I love the gp2x. How did I ever live without it !

Seconded - I had no idea that the protector on gp32z was anything other than thin plastic film. I MUCH prefer this idea of "working in the raw" and just replacing the hard "screen lens" every 6 months. That rocks. Recommend adding this to the FAQ (with links to pics!). :)
Thanks for clarifying this zektor - I am sure you have put many curious minds at rest.

Got mame on my machine last night - man I love the gp2x. How did I ever live without it !

Seconded - I had no idea that the protector on gp32z was anything other than thin plastic film. I MUCH prefer this idea of "working in the raw" and just replacing the hard "screen lens" every 6 months. That rocks. Recommend adding this to the FAQ (with links to pics!). :)

Yeah, this is actually not a new idea. I believe the Sega Game Game and Nomad screens were self replaceable, as is the Gameboy and even the upper screen of the NDS! It is just so much better than a screen cover that you can never replace. The only chance you have to actually scratch your screen is to remove that plastic cover and scratch the screen underneath....VERY unlikely anyone would do this however :)
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Hmm, you wouldn't consider doing this mod for a fellow GP2X user for a fee, would yah? :D

I could cut the glass and send it. I would leave it to you to tussle with the dust though :P

The glass is like 1 mm thick (same as plastic). I keep my GP2X in a hard case so it isn't a problem for me. If someone is a bit rough the glass could crack. A glass could be made from thicker window glass but it would stick out.
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Hmm, you wouldn't consider doing this mod for a fellow GP2X user for a fee, would yah? :D

I could cut the glass and send it. I would leave it to you to tussle with the dust though :P

The glass is like 1 mm thick (same as plastic). I keep my GP2X in a hard case so it isn't a problem for me. If someone is a bit rough the glass could crack. A glass could be made from thicker window glass but it would stick out.

That sounds cool, I would definitely be up for that if you have the spare time to make it for me. How did you adhere it to the GP2X?
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Finally I´ve got mine! I tried a couple of games and it works very nice. But I wonder thou, how do I know its a mk2? The name on it is GP2X-F100(B)... Shouldn´t it be GP2X-MK2?
Finally I´ve got mine! I tried a couple of games and it works very nice. But I wonder thou, how do I know its a mk2? The name on it is GP2X-F100(B)... Shouldn´t it be GP2X-MK2?

On the sticker on the back it says GPX-GP2X-F100-B I think the B is for MK2. All MK2s have firmware 2.0 installed, they have the screen protector installed, and the joystick cap has a round bump in the middle.
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Finally I´ve got mine! I tried a couple of games and it works very nice. But I wonder thou, how do I know its a mk2? The name on it is GP2X-F100(B)... Shouldn´t it be GP2X-MK2?

On the sticker on the back it says GPX-GP2X-F100-B I think the B is for MK2. All MK2s have firmware 2.0 installed, they have the screen protector installed, and the joystick cap has a round bump in the middle.

Ok.. Thanks! Then I have an mk2 :)
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Woohooo I finally got mine!!! It arrived today from GP32z.com, after little more than a week since it was shipped. And I didn't pay any import taxes \o/ Take that Brazilian customs office!

I must say I'm really impressed by the quality of the screen, and overall quality as well. After reading some reports I was slightly worried, but now that I got it it seems really reliable. Let's see if it really is, after a few days of use :D Still haven't tried many games on it, just the pre-built Vektar and the Payback demo. Does the Payback demo slow down in the explosions for everyone else too? I noticed that when lots of stuff were on the screen it tended to slow down a bit.

Anyways, really excited. Now I only gotta buy myself some decent batteries and a 4GB card and I'm all set! :D
Hiya all! Got mine 2 days ago, finally!!! I love it, the only thing I hated was that my batteries were empty during the OutCaST disk scanning, okay, okay, I had way to much disks on it :)
Okay...had it about a week now. What a machine, the NeoGeo emulation is nothing short of awesome! Last Sword and Neo Drift Out are two games of serious note. My daughter won't leave my GP2X alone either, she wants to play Beat2x all the time. Thankfully I checked out these boards before I bought so I knew to get myself a decent sized SD card and some rechargable batteries (4x 2500 maH ones to be precise).

Gonna have a go at some homebrew as well when I get a chance (2 kids and a wife plus the world cup are getting in the way!).
Hi I'm thinking about getting a GP2X and I was woundering is it hard to use because I've never done any programing before.
Hi I'm thinking about getting a GP2X and I was woundering is it hard to use because I've never done any programing before.

Not that hard to use really, Just read the readme that comes with a lot of the games/software for the GP2x and follow any instructions they may contain And you shouldn`t have many problems. Oh btw, You don`t need to know how to program/code to use a GP2x, But it helps if you want to create you own software/games for the GP2x.

If you do get stuck, You can always search the forums or post your questions here.

Go for it. :)

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I just got mine!

fired up some atari st, snes and scumm games and it seemed to work ok. can't wait till I've sorted through the roms I have and dig up all those classics I wasted^Winvested my childhood in
time for me to finally post in here... i just got my unit and AC adaptor from gp32z - it was a present from my brother for my 30th birthday last December - i wanted to hold off on getting one until the Mk.2 units were out. this will just be my initial impressions - i'll add more to this thread after trying out more stuff with it.

the box was much smaller than i expected! the complete lack of printed manual put me off for a bit, and in my excitement i stuck the included manual/firmware CD in my work PC CD-ROM drive wrong and scratched the disc. ummm... i don't have an SD card or batteries here, so i can't do much with it yet. i was worried that the placement of the AC adaptor plug-in would interfere with holding the unit, but it seems to work ok. i have an official Sony PSP soft-slipcase that a friend of mine found in a 'Free' pile and gave to me. the fit is really tight, and i'm worried about the joystick sticking up, but it seems to work OK.

the joystick seems a bit floaty and the buttons a bit wobbly - looks to be fine otherwise.

i do admit to being somewhat disappointed by the LCD screen quality - it seems 'imprecise' and a bit blurry on the menu screens, and the included LCD adjuster utility doesn't seem to do much of anything. it looks alright when playing games, so i'll have to load some more things on it for a better impression, as well as downloading and using LCD Tweaker.

another disappointment were the crackling and popping noises from the speakers - this happened sometimes when explosion sounds were playing in Vektar. i just found out that this was the application's fault, and not a limitation of the GP2X hardware... so that's a relief.

gonna try out music, movies and games once i get my home PC working again (hard drive crash last week, and i've been on vacation so i've not been able to work on it)... i'm also starting to learn JAVA and i was hoping to be able to run JAVA/J2ME apps on the GP2X, but that appears to be a capability off in the distance.

more soon...