Still Fresh
The sturdy plastic cover is the screen protector. You can add another protector (standard one you are thinking of) to that one, but why? You can buy spare sturdy plastic covers for cheaper than you can an average screen protector. It does come off without opening the unit. It just has some sticky adhesive, but it can be pryed off and replaced. Check for $7 replacements. I purchased an extra because I know I will eventually scratch the screen.
BTW: With the MK1's it was the sturdy hard plastic part that people got separate, believe it or not! I was shocked when I received my first one that way. It made me feel like I had to finish building the unitBut when you think about it, it is an awesome idea. The possibility to make a scratchproof glass cover to replace that exists as well. Hope someone makes one!
Thanks for clarifying this zektor - I am sure you have put many curious minds at rest.
Got mame on my machine last night - man I love the gp2x. How did I ever live without it !
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